Due to the pandemic’s impact, Art Basel announces the cancellation of its 2020 Miami Beach fair


Due to the pandemic’s impact, Art Basel announces the cancellation of its Miami Beach fair

Given the current situation regarding the pandemic’s impact, which spans from South Florida to other parts of the country and the world; limitations and uncertainty about the staging of large-scale events; international travel restrictions and bans, as well as quarantine regulations within the United States and internationally, alongside other factors, Art Basel has no other option but to cancel the 2020 edition of Art Basel in Miami Beach. Art Basel in Miami Beach was scheduled to take place from December 3 to December 6, 2020 at the Miami Beach Convention Center.

Noah Horowitz, Director Americas, Art Basel said: ‘It is with great regret and disappointment that we announce the cancellation of our December show in Miami Beach, as we know how crucial our show is for our galleries, as well as for the greater Miami arts community and economy. We thank everyone who shared their perspectives and insights with us over the past months and weeks and look forward to returning to Miami Beach next year to deliver a successful show.’

As the artworld continues to face momentous challenges, Art Basel remains firmly committed to supporting the global gallery community in the best way possible through its digital initiatives and by hosting its upcoming 2021 shows in Hong Kong, Basel, and Miami Beach. Art Basel’s digital initiatives will continue this fall with two individual thematic editions of its Online Viewing Rooms: ‘OVR:2020’, dedicated to artworks produced during 2020 and running from September 23 to 26, and ‘OVR:20c’, presenting works created between 1900 and 1999 from October 28 to 31. These digital events will be followed in December by Online Viewing Rooms that will be open to all galleries accepted to the 2020 edition of Art Basel in Miami Beach. Further details on the upcoming Online Viewing Rooms will follow in the coming weeks.

As has been communicated previously, galleries selected for Art Basel in Miami Beach 2020 will not be charged any participation/booth fees for the December show and application fees will be rolled over to 2021 for accepted galleries.

The next edition of Art Basel in Miami Beach will take place from December 2 to December 5, 2021, with preview days on December 1 and December 2, 2021.

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News: GMCVB Launches Miami Spice To-Go

GMCVB Expands Commitment To Restaurants With The Launch Of New Miami Spice Options And Expansion Of The Award-Winning Miami Eats Program

New Miami Spice To-Go and expanded Miami Eats program provide the restaurant industry with an opportunity to generate business safely and responsibly while helping keep hospitality industry workers employed.
Miami Spice To Go Website
Miami Spice Website
Miami Eats Website

In response to new emergency orders prohibiting indoor dining in Miami-Dade County restaurants, the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) adapted the beloved Miami Spice Restaurant program to promote those participants that are offering to-go as well as outdoor dining for their prix-fix meals which include appetizer, main course and dessert for $25 lunch/brunch and $39 dinner. The new Miami Spice options complement the existing and award-winning Miami Eats program developed by the GMCVB in April when local restaurants experienced their first wave of closures. Miami Eats recently won the “Grass Roots Relief Effort Time In Award” for promoting hundreds of restaurants’ takeout and delivery services throughout Greater Miami and the Beaches. Together, Miami Spice-To Go and Miami Eats provides locals the opportunity to enjoy their favorite foods from local culinary establishments, while helping restaurants generate revenue in a safe and responsible way.

More than 100 restaurants are participating in Miami Spice with an outdoor dining option and more than 60 are now offering Miami Spice To-Go. The Miami Spice webpage offers easy to use filters allowing users to search Miami Spice restaurants by neighborhood, cuisine type as well as those offering to-go menus. A similar approach is used with the Miami Eats webpage which provides a list of more than 1,200 restaurants offering takeout and delivery of their standard menus. Miami Eats calls on residents to “Order Out’ and “Help Out” the local restaurant industry by calling them directly to place their orders to avoid fees whenever possible.

“Miami Spice To-Go and Miami Eats are both examples of GMCVB programs created in record-time to respond to the travel and hospitality industry’s urgent need to stimulate business during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said William D. Talbert, III, CDME, President & CEO of the GMCVB. “Miami-Dade County’s travel and hospitality industry is the top employer in the community and the GMCVB is committed to generating business for the industry in a responsible and safe way during these unprecedented times.”

This year Miami Spice is free to all GMCVB partners. Miami Eats is free and open to all Miami-Dade County restaurants regardless of location, cuisine or price point. All respective participants will be listed on the Miami Spice and/or Miami Eats website, offering consumers a single platform and a one-stop-shop with easy browse and search capabilities.

For Miami-Dade residents aware of any restaurant providing delivery or takeout that is not on the Miami Eats current list, please email MiamiEats@GMCVB.com.

For restaurants that would like to participate in Miami Eats, please click here.

For restaurants that would like to participate in Miami Spice To-Go, please email: MiamiSpice@GMCVB.com.

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Dear Friends, Family, and Fans,

As Hurricane Dorian devastates Bahamas, many organizations and people in the South Florida area have lept to organize relief efforts. Many people have asked us how they can help. Below is a short list of just a few of the many different individuals and organizations helping the Bahamian people.

DONORS: Always remember to check out an organization before giving. We have provided names and web-links with as many as possible to aid your research.

WHAT TO GIVE: Different organizations have different needs. Most will have a list on their website or social media post. Or, you can contact them directly

ORGANIZATIONS: If your organization is also doing relief and is not listed, please feel free to post in comments and we will add it to the list as we can.

Also, check our Facebook Page for updates https://www.facebook.com/LifeIsArtFest/


Alison Thompson, #ThirdWaveVolunteers, https://www.facebook.com/alisont/posts/10157231760526638, https://www.crowdrise.com/o/en/campaign/hurricane-dorian-let-there-be-solar-lights
Valencia Gunder, Miami-Dade Community Emergency Operations Center Bahama Relief, https://www.miamigov.com/Government/BAHAMASTRONG (see flyer), and The Smile Trust https://mthsmile.com
Herb Sosa, Unity Coalition, https://unitycoalition.org/Hurricane.html (see flyer)
David Grutman, Omar Rosario, Liza Santana-Piñeres, The Global Empowerment Mission, https://www.facebook.com/globalempowermentmission/ (see flyer)
Shelly Sitton Tygielski, https://www.gofundme.com/f/Hope4HopeTown (see flyer)
Ingrid Hoffman, https://www.instagram.com/ingridhoffmannofficial/, https://www.gofundme.com/f/bahamashurricane-dorian-relief
Maria Lacayo, The Bahamas Consulate General (see flyer)
Michael Góngora, Bee Zee, Clevelander Fundraiser on September 6, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hurricane-dorian-victims-fundraiser-tickets-71302193781 (see flyer)
Sharon Greenfelt Kersten, https://neighbors4neighbors.org/dorian-relief
Coral Gables Fire Rescue, https://nextdoor.com/post/122634087
Lila Nikole Rivera Poteet, Mr Kream (see flyer)
José Andrés, World Central Kitchen, https://twitter.com/chefjoseandres, https://twitter.com/WCKitchen

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PRESS RELEASE: No Cafe con Fracking Press Conference on 4/18/18

For Immediate Release: Friday, April 12, 2019
Contact: Jackie Filson, 202-683-2538, jfilson@fwwatch.org

Elected Officials and Business Leaders Unveil Anti-Fracking Art Installation

Elected officials, Hialeah business leaders, and local artists will present an art installation at the Leah Arts District to demonstrate the threats of oil fracking

Hialeah, FL — On Thursday, April 18th, local South Florida elected officials, business owners, artists, and residents will gather at the iconic 20ft flamingo mural in the Leah Arts District to unveil a new art installation to demonstrate the threats of oil and gas development near the Hialeah aquifer. Concerned residents will also present sweeping support for banning fracking among local elected officials and business owners in Hialeah and Miami Lakes. A recent court approval to drill for oil in the Everglades sparked outrage over the prospect of drilling and fracking in the Everglades a few miles from Miami’s drinking water sources, leading to this public demonstration.

House Speaker José R. Oliva recently stated that he would vote in support of banning fracking. Residents will discuss the legislation to ban fracking that has been filed in the State Legislature. House Bill 7029 to ban fracking has passed multiple House Committees. Speakers will discuss the loophole present in the bill that would allow fracking using matrix acidizing.

What: No Cafe con Fracking Press Conference
When: Thursday, April 18th at 11 AM
Where: Leah Arts District, 1000 E 15st Hialeah, FL
Who: Hialeah Councilman Paul B. Hernandez, City of Hialeah
Sara Britto, The Art Experience
Salome Garcia, Food and Water Watch

Para difusión inmediata: Viernes 12 de abril de 2019
Contacto: Jackie Filson, 202-683-2538, jfilson@fwwatch.org

Funcionarios Electos y Líderes Empresariales Develan Instalación De Arte Anti-Fracking

Funcionarios electos, líderes empresariales de Hialeah y artistas locales presentarán una instalación artística en el Distrito de Artes de Leah para exponer las amenazas del fracking

Hialeah, FL — El jueves 18 de abril, funcionarios locales electos del sur de la Florida, dueños de negocios, artistas y residentes se reunirán en el icónico mural de flamencos de 20 pies en el Distrito de Artes de Leah para presentar una nueva instalación artística que expone las amenazas de los procesos para el petróleo y gas cercanos al acuífero de Hialeah. Los alarmados residentes también mostrarán el extenso apoyo con que se cuenta entre los funcionarios locales y los dueños de negocios en Hialeah y Miami Lakes para prohibir el fracking. Una reciente aprobación judicial que considera la perforación y fracking en los Everglades, a pocos kilómetros de distancia de las fuentes de agua potable de Miami, causó indignación y condujo a esta manifestación pública.

El presidente de la Cámara, José R. Oliva, declaró recientemente que votaría a favor de prohibir el fracking. Los residentes también discutirán la legislación para prohibir el fracking que se ha presentado en la Legislatura del Estado. El Proyecto de Ley de la Cámara de Representantes 7029 que busca prohibir el fracking, ha sido aprobado por varios comités de la Cámara. Los oradores discutirán el vacío presente en el proyecto de ley que permitiría el uso de está técnica utilizando la acidificación de la matriz.

Qué: Conferencia de Prensa No Cafe con Fracking
Cuándo: Jueves 18 de abril a las 11 AM
Dónde: Distrito de Arte Leah, 1000 E 15st Hialeah, FL
Quiénes: Concejal de Hialeah Paul B. Hernandez, Ciudad de Hialeah
Sara Britto, The Art Experience
Salome Garcia, Food & Water Watch

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News: Matt Haggman Resigns from Knight Foundation

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Knight Foundation just circulated this letter:

Our friend and colleague, Matt Haggman, Knight Foundation program director for Miami, has resigned, effective July 21. Chris Caines, who has ably served as Matt’s associate, will assume responsibilities as Knight interim program director for Miami.

Since Matt joined Knight in 2011, we have invested more than $28 million in supporting high-growth entrepreneurship in Miami and South Florida. We intend to continue this important work and to generate a more connected, better supported community of entrepreneurs. Our goal continues to be to make Miami a hub of ideas and innovation.

Chris has been working closely with Matt, our grantees and partners. He embodies Knight Foundation’s commitment to informed and engaged communities and will continue the work seamlessly.

Matt leaves Knight with our profound gratitude for his leadership and efforts. Please join me in wishing him well in his next endeavors.

Mike Abrams of The Miami Herald is circulating the rumor that Haggman may be running for Congress – http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/op-ed/article148195384.html

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Knight Cities Challenge is now open for ideas

The Knight Cities Challenge is now open for ideas. The challenge seeks ideas that make the 26 communities where Knight invests more vibrant places to live and work. Applicants can win a share of up to $5 million for innovative projects that answer the question: What’s your best idea to make cities more successful?

Applications will be accepted until Nov. 3. Ideas should focus on one or all of three key drivers of city success: attracting and keeping talent, expanding economic opportunity, and creating a culture of civic engagement.

If you have questions about the challenge, you can join us for virtual office hours or in-person events to learn more. The schedule, which is regularly updated, can be accessed here.

To enter the Knight Cities Challenge go to knightcities.org and answer a few questions. For more information take a look at this blog post. Follow @knightfdn and #knightcities on Twitter for updates and please spread the word through your networks.

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NEWS: #PodQuest – Radiotopia Launches Search For Podcasting’s Next Breakout Hit, March 17 – April 17. 2016


Radiotopia Launches #PodQuest, the Search For Podcasting’s Next Breakout Hit

podquestWith $10,000 and four months of mentorship, three finalists will vie for a spot in Radiotopia’s network of acclaimed story-driven podcasts.

Podcast show submissions can be sent via radiotopia.fm/podquest until the April 17, 2016 deadline.

Aiming to discover diverse new voices, introduce audiences to fresh talent, and explore what it takes to bring a podcast to life, the Radiotopia podcast network today launched Podquest, a competition that will give three finalists financial and professional support to develop a podcast for the story-driven network of acclaimed shows such as 99% Invisible, The Memory Palace, Criminal, Song Exploder, and The Mortified Podcast.

Podquest kicks off with a one-month open submission period, during which anyone can submit an original idea for a podcast. Ten semi-finalists will then be interviewed by the Podquest selection team, with three finalists receiving $10,000 (each) to produce pilot episodes for their proposed shows. Over the course of four months, these finalists will receive hands-on support for creating a sustainable podcast, as well as editorial and technical input from Radiotopia’s team of seasoned podcasting experts. At the end of the production phase, one winner will be selected to develop their idea into a full series for inclusion in Radiotopia in 2017. Throughout the Podquest process, 99 Radiotopia supporters will participate by weighing in on submissions and offering feedback on pilot episodes-in-progress.

To help in the development of their podcasting endeavors, all ten of the semi-finalists will also receive an array of professional support including $300, office hours with Radiotopia producers, free Hindenburg radio editing software, a free two-year PRX membership, and a year-long membership with the media talent network AIR.

“Radiotopia’s mission is to provide a powerful, supportive platform for podcasting’s boldest voices,” said Julie Shapiro, Executive Producer of Radiotopia. “Podquest will connect us with ambitious, emerging producers and bring their creative talents to audiences hungry for Radiotopia-style podcasts: shows that consistently showcase innovative, provocative and carefully crafted storytelling.”

Launched in 2014 by PRX, the award-winning public media company, Radiotopia has quickly become the leader in today’s audio storytelling renaissance and grown its roster of hit shows from seven to thirteen. In 2015, Radiotopia podcasts were downloaded more than 10 million times per month, nearly doubling their 5.7 million monthly downloads from 2014.

Podquest is one of a series of new initiatives funded by a $1 million grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation that Radiotopia received in May 2015. Podquest is additionally supported by Hindenburg Systems and AIR.

For more information and to submit your idea, visit radiotopia.fm/podquest.

About PRX
PRX is shaping the future of public media content, talent and technology. PRX is a leading creator and distributor, connecting audio producers with their most engaged, supportive audiences across broadcast, web and mobile. A fierce champion of new voices, new formats, and new business models, PRX advocates for the entrepreneurial producer. PRX is an award-winning media company, reaching millions of weekly listeners worldwide. For over a dozen years, PRX has operated public radio’s largest distribution marketplace, offering thousands of audio shows including This American Life, The Moth Radio Hour and Reveal. Follow us on Twitter at @prx.

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NEWS: Shake 108 FM Launches New Weekly Shows and Key Partnerships


Shake 108 FM Launches New Weekly Shows and Key Partnerships
Miami’s Homegrown Radio Station Adds Focus on Local Music Scene plus local Industry Veterans to the Mix
Miami, FL – February 10, 2016 – Shake 108 FM, the Miami underground & homegrown non-profit radio station, enters its second year with a big-bang line up of new weekly shows and key partnerships with some of the industry’s most revered professionals.

Founded on the vision of providing music oprn format variety music through an independently owned and operated radio station, Shake 108 FM is giving Miami’s talented musicians such as Suenalo, Afrobeta & Nil Lara; music & nightlife movers & shakers such as DJ George Acosta and Bill Kelly; and local non-profit organizations, a committed platform to promote the local music scene. The new shows, starting on February 14th, 2016, include:

· Local Love Hour – Starting Valentine’s day on Sundays & Wednesdays from 8-9 PM Miami’s own singer/songwriter/DJ, Aimee Beah Moore, will host the locals show playing only music from Miami artists. Suenalo, Afrobeta, Nil Lara, Spam All-stars, Xperimento and many others.

· Bill Kelly’s Open House – Local legend & founder of Winter Music Conference, Bill Kelly is managing his house music show every Monday night from 10-midnight.

· Friday Night PlayHouse – World renowned local DJ George Acosta will be managing house music every Friday night live at “The Bunker 1826” on Collins Avenue in South Beach.

· DJ of the Week – Shake 108 will be featuring one DJ a week every Thursday night to promote the many outstanding DJs spinning at clubs throughout Miami.

· Kulchu Shok Reggae Show – Lance O, founder of Kulchu Shok Music, will be managing reggae music every Saturday morning from 7-9 am

In addition, Shake 108 FM’s founder Peter Stebbins, has brought in Miami’s longtime South Beach promoter Bobby Brandt to help manage the station.

“I feel that the only thing Shake 108 was missing was a strong track-record in the biz,” explains Stebbins. “You can accomplish that over time or by bringing in teammates already with that track record. Bobby is the ultimate Miami music, nightlife expert with unmatched experience. I am really excited he is willing to take a shot at us.”

“Shake 108 is a fantastic platform to deliver what people want to hear, what Miami wants to hear,” adds Brandt. “Peter came to me with such an amazing opportunity: to showcase, in a mass medium, Miami’s incredible talent. I couldn’t say no.”

In addition to local music… Non-profits in Miami have a place to promote their events on the radio with free commercials. This sophomore year Shake 108 will have a team reach out to many Miami non-profits to help them spread the word about community activities. Shake 108 is the voice of Miami’s non-for-profits.

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NEWS: Pérez Art Museum Miami to Change Museum Hours in the New Year 2016


Pérez Art Museum Miami to Change Museum Hours in the New Year

WHAT: Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), at 1103 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132, will change its operating days as of January 2016. PAMM will be open on Mondays and closed on Wednesdays beginning Monday, January 4. This change was made in response to research indicating that there is more demand among the public for museum hours on Mondays, and that Wednesdays are the lowest attended days of the week.

New operating hours beginning January 1, 2016
Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Closed on Wednesdays

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South Florida Knight Arts Challenge Challenge Winners 2015


53 ideas win $2.36 million in South Florida Knight Arts Challenge
Challenge winners helping to make art general in Miami

MIAMI – Nov. 30, 2015 –The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation tonight named 53 projects as winners of the Knight Arts Challenge – with ideas that will infuse South Florida with art from Miami Gardens to West Kendall, Key West to Hollywood.

A program of Knight Foundation, the challenge funds the best ideas for bringing South Florida together through the arts.

The 2015 winners, mostly small arts organizations, collectives and individual artists, will share $2.36 million. Their ideas range from bringing the stories of West Dade immigrants to stage in a children’s play, to highlighting artists of color in a December art fair, putting poems on sidewalks, launching a downtown jazz festival and blending art and technology through an art hack day.

“High-quality artistic experiences not only inspire, they help bind us to each other and to a common experience, which is critical to a region as diverse as ours,” said Alberto Ibargüen, president of Knight Foundation. “Together, these ideas gets us closer to making art general in Miami, to creating a community where art is available to everyone in all of our neighborhoods.”

With challenge funding, the 2015 winners will:

Highlight Miami as a crossroads for Latin America and the Caribbean with a festival celebrating Ibero-American literature, a “Borderless Caribbean” series that fosters an exchange between Miami and Caribbean contemporary artists, and a cultural exchange and performance with Havana students and members of the Greater Miami Youth Symphony;

Strengthen Miami’s indie film scene with a screenwriter roundtable where filmmakers can receive feedback, an innovative film series on how the brain interprets music and a new publication to cover the industry;

Foster the next generation of creatives by holding music boot camps during teacher workdays, preparing teens for music industry careers with a beats academy in Overtown, and teaching young girls to write and perform rock music at a summer camp; and

Explore climate change through the arts with an artist residency program aboard a sailboat, a dance festival along the waterfront and an interdisciplinary performance featuring five prominent local artists.

“Whether they offer a whimsical take on our city, or probe our region’s most challenging issues, Knight Arts Challenge winners offer a chance for everyone in South Florida to become more deeply engaged in our community through the arts,” said Victoria Rogers, vice president for arts at Knight Foundation. “We hope you will take a moment to look at this year’s choices, participate in an event, donate to a project, and add your voice to our community’s cultural conversation.”

The full list of winners and their project ideas is below. More information is available at knightarts.org.

Also Monday, Miami Girls Rock Camp was named the winner of the Knight Arts Challenge People’s Choice Award, the result of a text-to-vote campaign that ended Nov. 17. The campf was one of four small arts organizations up for $20,000, which is in addition to their Knight Arts Challenge grant and can be used for the artistic project of their choice. Knight created the People’s Choice Award to bring attention to small and emerging arts groups and their contributions to the city.

Knight Arts Champions Honored

At an awards event at the New World Center, Knight Foundation also named four cultural leaders as Knight Arts Champions, honoring their contributions with funds to distribute to a creative project of their choice. The 2015 Knight Arts Champions are:
Kareem Tabsch and Vivian Marthell, co-founders of O Cinema, the independent cinema launched with a Knight Arts Challenge grant and that now has three locations;
Alex Gartenfeld, chief curator for the Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, who guided the institution through its founding and launch in its temporary space in the Design District; and
Rosa de la Cruz, who, through the de la Cruz Collection helps to send Design and Architecture High School and New World School of the Arts students on cultural field trips to New York and Europe respectively.

Knight Foundation has invested more than $122 million in the South Florida arts since 2005, including support for both large institutions to more deeply engage the public, and to propel grassroots efforts through the Knight Arts Challenge. Earlier this year, Knight announced that the challenge, originally launched in 2008, will continue for three more years through 2018.

There are only three rules for applying: 1) The idea must be about the arts; 2) The project must take place in or benefit South Florida; 3) The grant recipients must find funds to match Knight’s commitment. The best receive Knight Foundation funds. More than 10,000 ideas have been submitted over eight years.

Previous funding for large institutions has launched a new media program that includes the signature “Wallcasts” at the acclaimed New World Symphony campus, helped present Ibero-American films at the Miami International Film Festival, brings every Miami-Dade third-grader to the new Pérez Art Museum Miami, and will build a new high-tech recital hall at the University of Miami Frost School of Music, among other projects.

2015 Knight Arts Challenge Winners

Farmers Markets Host Pop-up Concerts
Recipient: A Greener Miami
Amount: $20,000
Expanding audiences for music by hosting mini-concerts in South Florida farmers markets with events preceded by a short explanation of the composer’s inspiration

Arts Educators Teach Virtually
Recipient: Art and Culture Center of Hollywood
Amount: $40,000
Expanding arts education in the region by buying new telepresence equipment so that the center’s staff can interact directly with students in its distance learning arts programs

Artist Residency Sets Sail Aboard Boat
Recipient: ArtCenter/South Florida
Amount: $40,000
Exploring climate change through the arts by creating ARTsail, a one-month residency program aboard a sailboat where participants will be commissioned to create works inspired by Miami’s relationship to water

Children Take “Tales of Miami” to Stage
Recipient: Artefactus Cultural Project
Amount: $15,000
Instilling an appreciation for theater in West Dade’s children through workshops that lead them through the process of staging a play

Sidewalk Poems Take Literary Arts to the Streets
Recipient: Agustina Woodgate
Amount: $20,000
Creating playful encounters with poetry through “Walk on Poems,” where local poets write pieces about neighborhoods that are then placed on sidewalks with Scrabble-like tiles

Hackathon Fuses Art and Technology
Recipient: Bakehouse Art Complex
Amount: $30,000
Bringing Art Hack Day to Miami – an international event, where groups of hackers and artists create an instant exhibition that blends art and technology

Jazz Festival Expands to New Mediums
Recipient: City of Miami Gardens
Amount: $80,000
Expanding the city’s successful Jazz in the Gardens music festival to include a music, film and art conference that fosters a deeper exploration of the additional artistic mediums

Contest Helps Develop New Student Playwrights
Recipient: City Theatre
Amount: $20,000
Developing and giving voice to the next generation of playwrights through a contest where high school students from Broward to Miami-Dade create, rehearse and present short plays and public readings

DanceAfrica Comes to Miami
Recipient: Delou Africa
Amount: $15,000
Celebrating the arts of the African diaspora in Miami by expanding Delou Africa’s annual festival in collaboration with the founders of the national Dance Africa showcase

Community Gets Access to Letterpress
Recipient: Extra Virgin Press
Amount: $10,000
Preserving the art of letterpress by creating a space where the community can learn and practice this handmade form of communication

New Performance Piece Explores Rising Tide
Recipient: Florida International University
Amount: $30,000
Exploring the complexities of sea level rise in South Florida through an interdisciplinary performance featuring electronic sounds, orchestral musicians, video and dance in partnership with five prominent local artists

Library Becomes Museum’s Temporary Home
Recipient: Friends of the Bass Museum
Amount: $75,000
Infusing a library with art through a series of solo artists projects and education programs at the Miami Beach Regional Library while the Bass’ building is under renovation

Downtown Art Installations Explore Unconventional Spaces
Recipient: Fringe Projects
Amount: $35,000
Activating downtown Miami’s less conventional spaces by expanding this site-specific, temporary public art commissioning program

Hidden Musical Talents Showcased Onstage
Recipient: FUNDarte
Amount: $120,000
Bringing attention to Miami’s hidden musical talents, many of whom have immigrated to the city and have not yet made it to main stage venues, through a collaborative series with established companies and artists

Gay Arts Groups Team Up
Recipient: Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida
Amount: $40,000
Increasing the visibility of South Florida’s LGBT arts scene through joint programming between the chorus, Island City Stage and Stonewall National Museum and Archives

Havana and Miami Youth Collaborate
Recipient: Greater Miami Youth Symphony
Award: $55,000
Creating cultural exchanges between Miami and Havana students through joint rehearsals and concerts with Cuba’s Amadeo Roldan Conservatory Orchestra

Exhibition Series Connects Miami and Caribbean Artists
Recipient: Haitian Cultural Arts Alliance
Award: $40,000
Exploring the realities of living and creating in cross-cultural communities through the “Borderless Caribbean,” a series of exchanges and exhibitions between Miami and Caribbean contemporary artists

Collaboration Makes Classical Musical More Accessible
Recipient: IlluminArts
Award: $20,000
Engaging Miami audiences with an innovative, fully staged performance of a Pulitzer Prize-winning composition inspired by the visual art at the Pérez Art Museum Miami

Indie Film Scene Receives Increased Coverage
Recipient: Independent Ethos
Award: $15,000
Giving South Floridians an insider’s peek into Miami’s growing indie film and music scene through a website that covers the local industry

Film Series Explores Brain on Music
Recipient: Corpus Callosum
Award: $80,000
Exploring how the human brain interprets music through the creation of a new form of audience experience that combines classical music performances with advancements in neuroscience, in partnership with the New World Symphony and the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science

Roundtable Strengthens Indie Filmmaking
Recipient: Kenny Riches
Award: $8,000
Strengthening the indie filmmaking community through a screenwriter roundtable where participants can get feedback on new material

Art Series Engages Tri-Rail Commuters
Kip Eagen
Engaging transit riders in art by creating a series of artistic billboards along the TriRail tracks that would appear to be an animated flipbook as riders fly by

Miami Youth Learn Junkanoo Traditions
Recipient: Leadership Prep Foundation
Amount: $25,000
Celebrating Bahamian culture by teaching Miami youth to make traditional Junkanoo costumes and instruments, which are used during Coconut Grove’s annual Goombay/Junkanoo Festival and in other events

Sculptures Reflect Fear in Media
Recipient: Locust Projects
Amount: $60,000
Exploring how fear is used in the media by creating sculptures of headless chickens, called Withervanes, that change colors to reflect the prevalence of fear-related keywords in news stories

Theater Explores Censorship Onstage
Mad Cat Theatre Company
Amount $25,000
Promoting discussion about the impact of censorship by presenting a banned play and then producing a new work inspired by incidents of censorship in South Florida.

Waterfront Residency Comes to Key Biscayne
Recipient: Marjory Stoneman Douglas Biscayne Nature Center
Amount: $25,000
Helping inspire South Florida artists through a residency program at the waterfront center in Crandon Park

Ballet Presents Shakespeare Miami-Style
Recipient: Miami City Ballet
Award: $150,000
Reimagining a classic by presenting a uniquely Miami rendition of George Balanchine’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” during the company’s 30th anniversary season.

Latino Artists Engage Little Havana
Recipient: Miami Dade College’s Koubek Center
Amount; $100,000
Cultivating emerging Latino artists through an artist-in-residence program that provides them the space to produce work that reflects and engages the surrounding Little Havana neighborhood

Dance Performance Highlights Importance of Water
Recipient: Miami Dance Futures
Award: $20,000
Bringing attention to the water supply through National Water Dance Miami, a countywide celebration of site-specific dances – involving both professionals and local students –along the region’s shore

Camp Empowers Girls to Perform Music
Recipient: Miami Girls Rock Camp
Amount: $20,000
Promoting creative expression and empowering young girls through an annual camp where participants are grouped into bands and learn to write and perform an original song

Miami Makerspace Expands
Recipient: Miami Industrial Arts (MIA)
Amount: $15,000
Expanding a hub for Miami’s makers by constructing an onsite classroom and offering subsidized classes in ceramics, wood, metalworking and 3-D technologies

Light Box Provides Space for Incubating New Performance Works
Recipient: Miami Light Project
Amount; $120,000
Providing a space for developing new work and new techniques by piloting a contemporary performance residency program at The Light Box at Goldman Warehouse in Wynwood for international and local artists

School Days Off Turn Into Music Boot Camps
Recipient: Miami Music Project
Award: $105,000
Helping 100 Miami-Dade students push their own artistic limits through a series of orchestral boot camps taking place on teacher planning days throughout the school year

Concerts and Films Coming to Sweetwater
Recipient: NC-office
Award: $30,000
Activating a public space through culture by presenting concerts and films in a new plaza in the city of Sweetwater next to Florida International University’s West Dade campus

Legacy Media Materials Get New Archive
Recipient: Obsolete Media Miami
Award: $30,000
Preserving legacy media, such as 35 mm slides and archival motion pictures, through an archive that serves as a resource for artists, designers, filmmakers and researchers

Academy Preps Teens for Music Careers
Recipient: Overtown Youth Center
Amount: $40,000
Preparing teens for careers in the music industry through The Beats Academy, which will teach a range of topics from music theory to remixing

Artists of Color Shine at December Art Fair
Recipient: Prizm
Award: $80,000
Promoting the works of artists of color who reflect global trends in contemporary art through an annual fair that takes place during Art Basel Miami Beach

Residency Program Expands Little Haiti Gallery
Recipient: Rise Up Gallery
Award: $25,000
Strengthening an artist-run collective that provides studio space to local artists, gallery space for innovative curatorial projects and artistic programming for the community

Movie Lovers Pay Homage to 35 mm Films
Recipient: Secret Celluloid Society
Award: $15,000
Preserving classic films by converting a 1986 bookmobile into a portable project booth that brings 16 mm/35 mm and high-resolution digital projection to Miami neighborhoods

Six Composers Celebrate 15 Years of Seraphic Fire
Recipient: Seraphic Fire
Award: $100,000
Celebrating the group’s 15th anniversary by commissioning and presenting six new American choral works, championing both top composers and emerging talent

Illustrations Memorialize Miami Bands
Recipient: Show Drawn; The Upper Hand Art
Award: $8,000
Drawing attention to Miami’s vibrant music scene, with the goal of encouraging more bands to play here, by creating a series of illustrations of local performances to be published in print and online

Overtown Festival Expands
Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency
Award; $50,000
Celebrating Overtown’s culture through the sixth annual Overtown Music and Arts Festival featuring national and local recording artists

Audio Equipment Rentals Come to Sweat Records
Recipient: Sweat Records
Award: $50,000
Supporting the local indie music scene by providing low-cost rentals of audio equipment for independent promoters and nonprofit event producers

ASK Hispanic Theater Gets New Focus
Recipient: Teatro Prometeo at Miami Dade College
Award: $35,000
Fostering Hispanic theater in Miami, and raising its prominence nationally, through a partnership with the national Latina|o Theatre Commons where the college will host a prominent Latino playwright in residency

Residency Helps Students Create Songs
Recipient: The alt Default
Award: $9,000
Helping teens find their musical voice through a residency for this ensemble at the Fienberg-Fisher K-8 Center in Miami Beach where students will create an original song

Festival Showcases Ibero-American Literature
Recipient: The Betsy-South Beach
Award: $50,000
Celebrating Ibero-American poetry, literature, scholarship and experience through Escribe Aqui/Write Here, a multiday bilingual festival fueled by ongoing cultural programming to champion Miami’s diversity

High-Profile Concert Showcases Student Performers
Recipient: The Miami Symphony Orchestra
Award: $60,000
Offering visibility to pianists younger than 12 through a competition, where the finalists perform with the orchestra at a high-profile concert

TransAtlantic Festival Gets Refresh
Recipient: The Rhythm Foundation
Award: $50,000
Providing a home for world music by rebooting the annual TransAtlantic Festival at the North Beach Bandshell – bringing in more ambitious programming and expanding the event into the adjacent public spaces

Artistic Treasure Hunt Key Reveals West History
Recipient: The Studios of Key West
Award: $50,000
Providing a new way to explore Key West’s history and culture through an event called Lost at the Beach, where participants use maps and apps to discover performances and installations hidden throughout Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park

Series Focuses on Power of the Elements
Recipient: Tigertail
Award: $75,000
Creating new artistic experiences through a month-long performance series that explores water—in April 2016—and fire—in April 2017—as elements that give and take through tragedy and regeneration

Zine Centers on Miami Beach’s 100th
Recipient: Tom Austin
Award: $15,000
Celebrating Miami Beach’s centennial by publishing a cultural history of South Beach, an exploration of how the arts – music, dance, fashion, visual arts, film, literature, culinary culture and nightlife – have fueled this iconic resort city

Environmental Art Works Come to the Gardens
Recipient: Village of Pinecrest/Pinecrest Gardens
Award: $25,000
Bringing the arts more deeply into communities by inviting acclaimed American environmental artist Patrick Dougherty, who creates sculptures from community-sourced saplings, to create new site-specific works in the gardens

Jazz Fest Comes to Downtown
Recipient: 88.9 FM WDNA Public Radio:
Award: $75,000
Bringing jazz to more Miamians by launching the Miami Downtown Jazz Festival, which will take over several blocks in downtown and continue in various venues

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EMORY Vodka Launches Subliminal Guerilla Marketing Campaign during Art Basel 12/1/15 – 12/6/15


EMORY Vodka Launches Subliminal Guerilla Marketing Campaign during Art Basel

Artist Blake Emory_Zebra LoveFollowing the memorable debut of Zebra Love by Blake Emory at Spectrum Miami during last year’s Art Basel, Blue Vase Marketing, a full service agency specializing in direct response, talent acquisition and strategic brand development, will be capitalizing on the unique brand marketing platform that Art Basel and Miami Art Week provides, as part of the company’s latest product launch aimed at drawing the attention of this highly sought after and captive audience.

EMORY Vodka – a new ultra-premium line of 100% corn-based, Naturally Gluten Free vodka with a unique design concept inspired by the artist in “Optic Modernism” Blake Emory from New York – will mount an aggressive guerilla marketing campaign during the art world’s most prestigious week. Following a highly successful summer-long trade and industry launch, resulting in the product’s off-premise growth in retail outlets across select markets, EMORY Vodka is targeting the week of Art Basel in South Florida as a platform to initiate awareness on-premise – within select hotels, bars and restaurants hosting an international fanfare of art enthusiasts from across the globe.

“Zebra Love by Blake Emory received tremendous brand recognition during last year’s Art Basel,” says Michael Alden, CEO and President of Blue Vase Marketing. “Miami was the first market to catch a glimpse of EMORY Vodka in December and over the last twelve months the brand has grown to become an industry pioneer in product design among a colossal premium beverage market,” Alden adds. “Our limited edition line of naturally Gluten Free vodka is now rapidly expanding across major states throughout the southern and eastern seaboard. Miami is an ideal launch market now on our radar and we aim to capitalize on the popularity of Art Basel with a subtle yet precision-based product placement tactic. The Zebra Love oil on canvas brand extension transformed for the EMORY Vodka product line will resonate extremely well with the pop art enthusiast and among industry tastemakers and social influencers whom regularly attend this coveted week of events.”

Commencing for the week of Art Basel and throughout the high season in Miami, EMORY Vodka will be strategically poured at the most buzzworthy locations and venues, starting at the heart of this year’s mountain of Art Week events. Among them will be a presence at Metropolitan by COMO, Miami Beach – the city’s number hotel on Trip Advisor – at which EMORY Vodka will be served behind the hotel’s popular Traymore Restaurant and Bar. International press is buzzing about the newest Barcelona-inspired Mediterranean hotspot, KLIMA Restaurant and Bar, that will also include EMORY Vodka on its cocktail menu each night and for the grand opening of its second floor club and lounge “K Club” that will be unveiled on December 4th. A number of local media partners will also be collaborating with the vodka line for a series of private and exclusive VIP events during Art Basel, sponsored by EMORY Vodka.

EMORY Vodka is one of the few to enter the ultra-premium beverage market as a one hundred percent corn based product that is naturally gluten free while being six times distilled during the fermentation process. EMORY Vodka has been positioned as one of the first artist-inspired premium vodka lines introduced to the beverage industry during this year’s Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America Annual Convention in Orlando in April.

New York based artist Blake Emory, one of today’s most innovative pioneers in the Optic Modernism movement, has developed a unique extension of his existing Zebra Love oil on canvas signature collection for the brand design of EMORY Vodka. Michael Alden, CEO and President of Blue Vase Marketing, in partnership with Emory, has translated the Zebra Love concept on to frosted glass and will be releasing the limited edition premium vodka supported by one of the country’s leading strategic marketing firms for the beverage industry, Pearson & Pearson. Imported and bottled by the newly formed Zebra Love, LLC parent company, Emory’s Zebra Love design is embossed on to a signature artisan bottle, complete with Emory’s trademark red stiletto. Emory Vodka marks the first brand extension in the Zebra Love series and features Emory’s “Shauna1” design for the inaugural product adaptation. A portion of proceeds from the sales of Emory Vodka is donated to the ASPCA to help prevent cruelty to animals.

Zebra Love is the latest anthology by the New York artist Blake Emory, whose collective series of theoretical works is capturing the attention of not only the fine art world, but also the country’s leading brand visionaries within the marketing community.

Emory’s Zebra Love series represents the artist’s inspired discovery of what he refers to as “nature’s grand design” that encapsulates an artistic expression of retro fashion with love, passion and “divine geometry” from the animal kingdom. Zebra Love portrays an underlying theme based on a fluid visual depiction of Zebra stripes that are carved to form the foundation of a multi-dimensional approach to acrylic on canvas. Using an individual female model and form as the muse for every piece of work, the curvaceous and nude silhouette of each chosen woman is juxtaposed against the Zebra design and blended within the center of the frame to convey a layered optical illusion at first glance. Emory describes his final touch as a “passionate step in to the world of love needed to liberate us from the human construct,” illustrated by a retro-style red stiletto worn on one foot – giving the black and white design its signature dash of vibrant color, fashionable overture and overtly sexual connotation.

Priced at $29.99 for 750ml, EMORY Vodka is targeting high volume cities around the country known for a trendsetting consumer audience, including Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Miami.

For further information on EMORY Vodka, visit www.emoryvodka.com

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NEWS: Art Boca Raton to Benefit Boca Raton Museum of Art


David and Lee Ann Lester of Next Level Fairs announce that the opening preview of Art Boca Raton Contemporary Art Fair will benefit the Boca Raton Museum of Art on March 17th, 6-10 pm. Local business and philanthropic leaders Dalia and Duane Stiller will Chair the fund raising event, which will be called “Art Boca Raton Vernissage”. A VIP Preview will begin at 6-7:30 pm followed by a Collectors’ Preview from 7:30-10 pm. The benefit will be led by a prestigious Collectors and Connoisseurs Committee. Over 400 collectors and enthusiasts will gather for the fair preview cocktail party with musical entertainment, dinner by the bite and cocktails during the inaugural fair preview.

“We are very excited that the Boca Raton Museum of Art will be hosting the preview opening night Vernissage as a benefit for the Museum and a way for us to show our hospitality in kicking off Art Boca Raton,” said Dalia Pabón Stiller, Museum Board Chair, who will serve as the Chair of the Vernissage along with her husband Duane Stiller.

Dalia and Duane Stiller are well known business and community leaders. Dalia has an active career as an architectural designer and serves as the President of the Board of Trustees of the Boca Raton Museum and on the Board of Trustees of Cornell University. Duane Stiller founded Woolbright Development, one of Florida’s largest retail real estate companies, and personally supports numerous charities: American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Boca Raton Museum of Art, St. Andrews School, and Cornell School of Architecture and Engineering.

Art Boca Raton will be open to the pubic March 18-21, 2016 and will be held in the International Pavilion of the Palm Beaches on the campus of Florida Atlantic University in the heart of Boca Raton. Showcasing contemporary, modern and emerging art, sculpture, photography, works on paper and installations, the fair will offer a broad range of art to both beginning and seasoned collectors. Art Boca Raton will encompass 60-65 dealers carefully selected by a curatorial committee in order to assure dealer quality and exclusivity.

In conjunction with Art Boca Raton, the Boca Raton Museum of Art is hosting lectures at the fair and “After Dark” evening events of art, music, performance, and wine at the Museum each evening from 6-8 pm and a special presentation on the museum’s exhibition Warhol on Vinyl: Record Covers, 1949-1987 and Warhol Prints from the Collection of Marc Bell.

“Art Boca Raton brings to our city a broader look at the world of art, bringing art dealers and collectors from all corners of the world. Our effort is to ensure that the spirit of the fair permeates the entire city,” said Irvin Lippman, Executive Director of the Boca Raton Museum of Art.

The International Pavilion of the Palm Beaches will include a 65,000 sq. ft. / 6,100 sq. meter exhibition hall, a full service restaurant, sculpture garden, and lecture hall facility. Ample parking and valet service will be available to fair attendees.

Vernissage VIP and Collector Ticket Sales
VIP Preview 6 – 7:30 pm: $250 per person
Collector’s Preview 7:30 – 10 pm: $150 per person
RSVP required by March 10, 2016
Phone: 561.392.2500, ext 213
Fax: 561.391.6410
Email: info@bocamuseum.org
Fair information and ticket sales: www.artbocaraton.com

Public Hours
March 18-21; 11 AM – 6 PM

International Pavilion of the Palm Beaches
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL

About Boca Raton Museum of Art
The Boca Raton Museum of Art is the only museum in South Florida founded by artists. Established in 1950 as the Art Guild of Boca Raton, the organization has grown to encompass an Art School, Guild, and Museum with distinguished permanent collections of contemporary art, glass, non-western art, photography, and sculpture, as well as a diverse selection of special exhibitions. The Museum is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 AM until 5 PM; on Thursdays from 10 AM until 8 PM; and on weekends from 12 PM until 5 PM. Admission is free during the month of August and on the first Sunday of every month; otherwise $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, and free for students with IDs and children under 12. Learn more at www.bocamuseum.org.

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NEWS: Beck’s Urban Canvas Launches in Miami This Summer with 15 Murals Spread Throughout Wynwood, Little Haiti, Little Havana and Hialeah


Beck’s Urban Canvas Launches in Miami This Summer with 15 Murals Spread Throughout Wynwood, Little Haiti, Little Havana and Hialeah
The Art and Community Revitalization Campaign Will Feature Twelve Miami-Based Artists, Encouraging Their Creative Freedom and Supporting Events in Miami’s Burgeoning Communities

BecksUCMiami, FL (July 9, 2015) – Beck’s, the world’s most recognized German-style beer, introduced Beck’s Urban Canvas today, a community-focused art project aimed at neighborhood revitalization and the fostering of progressive thinking in Miami. Beck’s is continuing its tradition of supporting creators and innovators from around the world. For the first ever Beck’s Urban Canvas project, 12 visionary artists from Miami have been hand-selected to create 15 original works of art throughout the Magic City. These specially commissioned murals and installations will come to life in Miami’s creatively inspired communities of Little Havana, Little Haiti, Wynwood and in the recently launched artist live/work area known as the Leah Arts District in Hialeah. The Beck’s Urban Canvas crew of multicultural artists include: Trek 6, Don Rimx, Hoxxoh, Typoe, Jose Mertz, Tatiana Suarez, 2 Alas, Ernesto Maranje, Magnus Sodamin, Diana Contreras, Jessy Nite and Abstrk.

The Beck’s Urban Canvas project will also come to life at special events this summer season. Beck’s Urban Canvas will create special pop-up party experiences while supporting essential community programming such as Viernes Culturales in Little Havana, Big Night in Little Haiti, Arts and Entertainment District, the Leah Arts District and Wynwood Art Walk.

“We are always looking to enable artists and support communities in South Florida that are taking part in really interesting and community-focused work. The things that may go unnoticed at first, but ultimately can’t be ignored,” said Becks Regional Marketing Director, Mateus Schroeder, “The artists we’ve invited to participate in this project are helping to shape the local culture and we are excited to share their creations with Beck’s drinkers and support events in these respective communities that everyone can appreciate.”

Beck’s Urban Canvas is intended to celebrate the relationship between creative expression and community engagement. Events will be announced on social media via the #BecksUrbanCanvas hashtag. Art lovers are invited to visit the murals during this creative process and share photos on social media.

For more details, please visit BecksUrbanCanvas.com. Follow #BecksUrbanCanvas for up to date information.

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NEWS: Monica Burguera Foundation Partners with Progressive Insurance Miami International Boat Show for 6th Annual Fishing and Spearfishing for Boating Safety Tournament


Miami, FL, July 9, 2015 – The Monica Burguera Foundation (MBF) announced today the Progressive® Insurance Miami International Boat Show® as sponsor of its upcoming 6th Annual Fishing and Spearfishing for Boating Safety Tournament, taking place Saturday, August 8, 2015 at the Key Biscayne Yacht Club. The tournament draws more than 100 anglers and all funds raised will go towards free monthly boating safety classes that are held in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard as part of MBF’s mission to spread awareness for watercraft safety and boating education.

As Silver Sponsor of the Fishing Tournament, Miami Boat Show organizers will be onsite during the Captains Reception on August 6 and during the fishing tournament on August 8 to support MBF and the show’s shared mission to spread awareness for boating safety and education; the boat show will provide boating safety courses through its Discover Boating Hands-On Skills Training courses and other programs during the annual event February 11-15, 2016 at its new home, Miami Marine Stadium Park & Basin.

Registration per boat for the Fishing and Spearfishing for Boating Safety Tournament is $500; $50 for extra anglers on boat. The registration fee includes: Captains Reception, boat goodie bag, tournament t-shirt, day of fun for family and friends, Post-Tournament Cocktail Party, and Award Ceremony. The fee is $35.00 for adults and $25 for children who don’t wish to fish but would like to support and attend the tournament. Register today at www.mbfBoatingSafety.org

Other sponsors for MBF’s 2015 Fishing and Spearfishing for Boating Safety Tournament include:

· Gold Anchor Sponsors: Rickenbacker Marina, Inc, Estrella Insurance, Gincho Production, SeaHunter, Joe L. Fernandez
· Silver Anchor Sponsors: ACR Electronics, Progressive Insurance International Miami Boat Show
· Bronze Anchor Sponsor: Roma
· Anchor Sponsors: B&B Manufacturing Corp, Star Casualty, Star Brite,
· Media/Marketing Sponsors: Imagen, Planeta Media
· Beverage Sponsors: Anchor Distilling Co., Islamorada Beer Company, Copa Di Vino, Marley Beverage, Sparkling Ice
· Burgee Sponsors: Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center, USA Coast Guard Auxiliary, Sea Tow, Sailboards Miami, BOATPIX, Key Biscayne Yacht Club, Mercy Hospital

To register, volunteer, sponsor and get more information, please contact Mari Novo at mm@monicaburguerafoundation.org or 305-398-4609 or visit: www.mbfBoatingSafety.org

About Monica Burguera Foundation
The Monica Burguera Foundation (MBF) was created in memory of Monica Burguera, a 20-year-old Florida International University student who died in a tragic boating accident during the 2006 Columbus Day weekend festivities in Miami, Florida. The Foundation is committed to saving lives and making our waters safer for all by promoting watercraft safety and boater education. Through a combination of community education, outreach and events, the Foundation works to create boating safety awareness as well as to prevent boating accidents. To learn more about the Monica Burguera Foundation, make a contribution or to sign up for free watercraft safety classes, please go to www.mbfBoatingSafety.org
With your support, we can do even more to help save lives and prevent boating accidents.

About the Progressive Insurance Miami International Boat Show
The Progressive Insurance Miami International Boat Show is produced by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), the world’s largest producer of boat shows and the leading association representing the recreational boating industry. The boat show generates $600 million of economic activity each year and supports 55,000 Florida jobs. In 2016, the show will celebrate its 75th year and a new location at Miami Marine Stadium Park & Basin. NMMA member companies produce more than 80 percent of the boats, engines, trailers, accessories and gear used by boaters and anglers throughout the U.S. and Canada. The association is dedicated to industry growth through programs in public policy advocacy, market statistics and research, product quality assurance and promotion of the boating lifestyle. For more information, visit www.nmma.org.

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Conversations with Leaders in Art: It Doesn’t Stop at Basel 6/23/15

Conversations with Leaders in Art: It Doesn’t Stop at Basel
Tuesday, 06/23/2015 – 06:00 pm – 07:30 pm
MAX_7217Bakehouse Art Complex
561 NW 32 Street,
Miami, Florida 33127
None Link

On June 23, United Way of Miami-Dade Young Leaders hosted Conversations with Leaders in Art: It Doesn’t Stop @ Basel. Conversations with Leaders is focused on connecting Young Leaders with local industry experts and their work’s development and impact in our community. This first event, held at Bakehouse Art Complex (check the name), focused on the Miami art community and featured a diverse panel of innovative art professionals, including Bonnie Clearwater of NSU Museum of Art Ft. Lauderdale, Jill Deupi of Lowe Art Museum, Nina Johnson-Milewski of Gallery Diet, Jessica Katz of Christie’s, and Justin H. Long and Marte Siebenhar of Bakehouse Art Complex. To learn more about Young Leaders and how to get involved, contact youngleaders@unitedwaymiami.org.

New Taxi App, ZabCab, Announces National Rollout Starting in Miami



ZabCab (TM), a free new mobile app that connects passengers to licensed taxi drivers with a tap on their smartphone. The app makes grabbing a cab in Miami simple.  Users are only required to download the app, enter their first name and add their email address.  No lengthy profile or credit card required.

ZabCab aims to alleviate the hassle of getting a registered taxi in Miami by using your smart phone’s GPS technology to connect passengers to licensed taxi drivers within a short radius. Taxi drivers using ZabCab will reduce time spent searching for passengers and in turn, will maximize earning potential. After its inaugural launch in Miami, ZabCab will be announcing service in three major metropolitan cities over the next 90 days.

For more information, visit zabcab.com or contact:


Jamie Santucci


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National Philanthropy Day 2015 Call for Nominations


afpmiamiThe Association of Fundraising Professionals – AFP Miami continues its tradition of honoring the local philanthropic community at the annual National Philanthropy Day Awards luncheon, which will take place on Thursday, November 12, 2015. Each year, several hundred members of the community gather to recognize and celebrate the who’s who of Miami philanthropy.

In 1985, AFP Miami initiated the first National Philanthropy Day awards event. Today, National Philanthropy Day (NPD) is celebrated across North America and around the world.

AFP Miami’s annual NPD luncheon is Miami’s premier philanthropy event. This special day is set aside to recognize and pay tribute to the great contributions that philanthropy-and the people active in Miami’s philanthropic community-have made to our lives, our local community and our world. Because it’s the 30th anniversary, this won’t be your father’s (or mother’s) National Philanthropy Day celebration!

AFP Miami is proud to work with its NPD partners – The Miami Foundation, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, and Partnership for Philanthropic Planning – to advance philanthropy and highlight the generosity of our community’s top donors. Each year, AFP Miami offers the local community an opportunity to acknowledge, highlight and pay tribute to philanthropic excellence. We invite nominations for extraordinary individuals, corporations and foundations in one of the following distinguished award categories:

* Outstanding Philanthropist Award
* James W. McLamore Outstanding Volunteer Award
* Julia Tuttle Award for Community Involvement & Corporate Citizenship
* Outstanding Grant Maker Award

In addition, each NPD table sponsor will be provided with the opportunity to recognize their own table honoree with a personalized engraved gift.

Click here for the Request for Nomination Package. Please share among your colleagues, nonprofits and for-profits (they support philanthropy, too!) help us say “Thank you, Philanthropic Miami.”

Nominations must be submitted by May 23 to be considered. Any forms received after this date may be considered for the following year’s awards.

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2nd Annual Ceviche Festival Where Proceeds Went for a Great Cause by Betty Alvarez

The 2nd Annual Ceviche Festival was a celebratory event for the whole family which all proceeds when to the construction for the completion of La Merced Museo Peru Church, the first church and Peruvian museum in Miami.

The event had distinguished personalities such as Raquel Regalado, Tomas Garcia Fuste from Mira TV, Univision covered the event, and other media outlets. Guests had a wonderful Sunday that was marked by solidarity, great food, cooking sessions and spectacular shows of traditional Peruvian dancers, live music, etc.

Supporters of the event included El Mero Loco II, Mochila del Chef, Cevicheria Rosita, Divino Ceviche’s Chef Christian Encalada Alvan, Rizio’s Peruvian Cuisine Chef Mauricio Valverde & Cesar Valverde, El Huarike Peruano Chef Ysabel Bartra, Mari Morla, Cholos Ceviche Grill’s Chef Fabricio Pareja, La Huaca Peruvian Cuisine Ines & Aida Morales, El Pollo Inka Miami’s Chef Daniel D. Cespedes Titinger, El Punto Peruano Peruvian Food Truck Chef Pedro Enrique Rodriguez, Asociacion Cultural Peru Danza and many more.

The Corpus Christi Church and Iglesia de la Merced will be a church museum with artifacts, relics, and historical accounts of Peru. The original church is currently in Lima and soon there will be one on Miami displaying the richness of the Peruvian culture.

O, Miami 2015 Secret Sonnets

Want to send a love poem to someone…in Braille? Let someone know you are thinking of them by sending them a “Secret Sonnet”. And let Soul of Miami help you share your thoughts with your special someone.

Secret Sonnets is an original project for O, Miami 2015 that brings attention to a beautiful and important code that allows the visually impaired to read. Emily Connor and her team of local students will transcribe your original poem into uncontracted Braille, then mail it to your someone special. Each poem will include a Braille/Print alphabet cheat sheet for decoding.

Those interested, please visit http://omiami.submittable.com/submit/40207

The submitted poem should be an original body of work, less than 14 lines long, and the intended recipient must be a resident of Miami-Dade County. It must be submitted before the April 15, 2015 deadline.

From April 11-20, 2015, the poems will be transcribed into Braille and checked for errors. Beginning on April 21, 2015, the Brailled poems will be mailed using USPS. And if you would like, Soul of Miami would love to publish your poem on our web site.

News: The Marlins Foundation Establishes Charitable Fund With The Miami Foundation

-Fund will continue advancement of the Marlins’ charitable mission in Greater Miami-

The Marlins Foundation, the charitable arm of the Miami Marlins Major League Baseball franchise, has selected The Miami Foundation to manage its charitable fund. The Marlins Foundation leads the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mission of the team and funds programs that improve the lives of children through education, the arts and baseball. Since the approval of Marlins Park, the Marlins Foundation has invested over $5 million toward local nonprofits, school initiatives, scholarships, youth baseball programming and neighborhood organizations.

“As supporters of the Marlins Foundation’s efforts, we are intimately familiar with their community service and outreach work, making this partnership a natural evolution in our relationship,” said Javier Alberto Soto, president and CEO of The Miami Foundation. “Now, we can apply our expertise in stewarding charitable assets and our insight into Miami’s community needs to maximize the impact of the Marlins Foundation’s philanthropy.”

Last October, The Miami Foundation released the 2014 Our Miami Report, a biennial, data-focused, quality of life research study showing Miami’s most pressing community challenges and opportunities. The Miami Foundation will use those findings to assist The Marlins Foundation in identifying programs that align with the Marlins’ charitable mission and address the needs identified by the Our Miami Report.

The Marlins Foundation has a history of working with The Miami Foundation as a charitable partner. Most recently, the Marlins participated in Give Miami Day 2014, by serving as host site for the 24-hour fundraising event and sponsoring the $25,000 prize pool for participating charities. Give Miami Day 2014 raised a record $5.2 million for 520 nonprofits in Greater Miami.

“The Miami Foundation understands our commitment to philanthropy and service,” said David Samson, chairman of the Marlins Foundation. “Having The Miami Foundation manage our fund generates a unique collaboration that allows the Marlins to continue to invest in local charities as well as work effectively alongside other philanthropists to make an impact in the lives of our Miami neighbors.”

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NEWS: Victoria Rogers named Knight Foundation’s vice president for arts

(Originally posted here)

Victoria Rogers named Knight Foundation’s vice president for arts

MIAMI – March 8, 2015 – Arts leader Victoria Rogers will join the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation as its new vice president for arts on May 1. Rogers, the New World Symphony’s executive vice president, will succeed Dennis Scholl, who led the program from its 2009 launch to national prominence.
Dennis Scholl

Scholl, an entrepreneur with multiple business, philanthropic and arts interests, will continue to serve Knight Foundation as an adviser.

“Victoria is a strategic thinker and leader who played a critical role in the evolution of the New World Symphony. She’s the right leader for the next phase of the Knight arts program,” said Alberto Ibargüen, president, Knight Foundation. “We are immensely grateful to Dennis for the remarkably creative program he designed and developed.”

Knight Foundation’s national arts program takes a two-pronged approaching to fostering arts in communities where the Knight brothers owned newspapers. The program invests in key institutions, helping them to more deeply engage the public. In addition, Knight supports grassroots groups that have fresh and innovative ideas for the arts.

Knight has supported institutions ranging from the Pérez Art Museum Miami, the Barnes Foundation and Philadelphia Museum of Art to the Akron Art Museum, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra and the Detroit Institute of Arts. The Knight arts program has also earned a reputation for seeking out innovative ways to bring art to wide audiences, from support of the O, Miami poetry festival to more than 1,200 Random Acts of Culture around the United States. Knight recently funded a collaborative symphony project in Detroit, where residents will contribute to a work that reflects the city, composed by MIT Media Lab’s Tod Machover, to be premiered in November by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

The arts program also created alliances with other foundations to form ArtPlace, a project of the National Endowment for the Arts, which uses art to create a sense of community in cities across the country, and helped to craft the recent “Grand Bargain” that preserved the Detroit Institute of Arts as the community’s cultural treasure and saved municipal pensions.

In addition, the Knight Arts Challenge, a community-wide contest for the best ideas for the arts, has expanded to five cities: Miami, Philadelphia, Detroit, St Paul and Akron. So far, the challenge has received more than 20,000 ideas. Today, Knight Foundation also announced $25 million to the South Florida arts, which includes support through 2018 for the South Florida Arts Challenge, which has sparked the growth of Miami’s arts scene.

“The opportunity to help create and grow the national arts program at Knight Foundation has been one of the highlights of my professional career,” Scholl said. “Under Alberto’s leadership, the program has taken great steps to make art general in Knight communities across the country. I am thrilled that Victoria has been chosen as my successor, and I know she will lead the program to the next level.”

In her nine years at New World Symphony, Rogers helped set the strategic plan for the orchestral academy that prepares graduates of distinguished music programs for leadership roles in orchestras and ensembles around the world. She orchestrated the successful $200 million capital campaign for the Frank Gehry-designed campus, one of the world’s most technologically advanced venues for concerts. Before joining New World Symphony, Rogers served as assistant vice president for central development at the University of Miami, where she was the architect of its billion-dollar capital campaign, Momentum.

“In cities both large and small, Knight Foundation has been a catalyst for change and informed risk taking. Through its programs it is helping to create more engaged communities. I don’t know any foundation that does a better job of fostering the arts, from individual artists, to grassroots organizations and large institutions,” said Rogers. “Knight is helping institutions break down the barriers to attendance and creating new audiences. Its support was instrumental to New World Symphony’s popular WALLCAST™ Concert Series. I’m thrilled to have a chance to extend and build on that work.”

At the same time, Knight Foundation announced $25 million in new funding for the arts in South Florida, bringing to $122 million the amount pledged in the past decade. University of Miami Frost School of Music, Pérez Museum of Art Miami, and Institute for Contemporary Art, Miami, are all recipients. In addition, Knight extended the successful Knight Arts Challenge for another three years in South Florida.

About the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Knight Foundation supports transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media innovation, engage communities and foster the arts. We believe that democracy thrives when people and communities are informed and engaged. For more, visit knightfoundation.org.

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NEWS: Pérez Art Museum Miami Receives $5 Million Capital Gift from Knight Foundation to Endow New Projects by International Artists


Pérez Art Museum Miami Receives $5 Million Capital Gift from Knight Foundation to Endow New Projects by International Artists

New Gift Brings Museum’s Endowment to Over $20 Million

Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) received a grant for $5 million from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to endow newly-commissioned projects by international artists, and related community programming, as part of its Project Gallery series. This new gift brings PAMM’s capital campaign to a total of $206 million raised toward its $220 million campaign goal. This will bring the museum’s total endowment to more than $20 million.

Miami-Dade County’s flagship art museum, PAMM features four Project Galleries, unique spaces dedicated to showcasing a new project by a single artist. These artists visit Miami over the course of a year to interact with the community and learn about the city, and their work frequently responds to the museum’s architecture and site, as well as the broader Miami community and South Florida environment.

“Work presented in the Project Galleries advances PAMM’s mission to support the work of living artists and promote cultural engagement with communities in Miami and South Florida,” said Tobias Ostrander, PAMM chief curator and deputy director for curatorial affairs. “With this grant, we will be able to offer rich programming that will give the community an opportunity to share in the artists’ process.”

Knight’s gift is part of a new $25 million investment in the Miami arts, that also includes extending the Knight Arts Challenge, a community-wide contest funding the best ideas for the local arts, for three years.

“In short time, PAMM has exceeded attendance projections and has become an important community gathering place for Miamians,” said Dennis Scholl, vice president of arts for Knight Foundation. “We hope new funding will help bring residents closer to the artists who show in the Project Galleries and their work.”

Current Project Gallery presentations include works by: Nicole Cherubini (b. 1970, Boston), Mario Garcia Torres (b.1975, Monclova, Mexico), Gary Simmons (b. 1964, New York), and Diego Bianchi (b. 1969, Buenos Aires, Argentina). Upcoming projects include a project by Shana Lutker (b. 1978, Northport, New York), the third work in her series born from her research on Surrealist fistfights which will open on Thursday, May 7, 2015, with a performative lecture based on the work; and a project by Miami-based conceptual artist Nicolas Lobo (b. 1979, Los Angeles) encompassing a group of mixed-media sculptures, which the artist cast inside a swimming pool, opening Thursday, April 16, 2015 with an artist talk. For more information about these and other upcoming program, visit pamm.org/calendar.

About Pérez Art Museum Miami
Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) promotes artistic expression and the exchange of ideas, advancing public knowledge and appreciation of art, architecture and design, and reflecting the diverse community of its pivotal geographic location at the crossroads of the Americas. A 29-year-old South Florida institution formerly known as Miami Art Museum (MAM), Pérez Art Museum Miami opened a new building, designed by world-renowned architects Herzog & de Meuron, in Downtown Miami’s Museum Park on December 4, 2013. The facility and is a state-of-the-art model for sustainable museum design and progressive programming and features 200,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor program space with flexible galleries; shaded outdoor verandas; a waterfront restaurant and bar; a museum shop; and an education center with a library, media lab and classroom spaces. For more information, please visit www.pamm.org, find us on Facebook (facebook.com/perezartmuseummiami), or follow us on Twitter (@pamm).

Accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM) is sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture. Support is provided by the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners. Additional support is provided by the City of Miami and the Miami OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency (OMNI CRA). Pérez Art Museum Miami is an accessible facility. All contents ©Pérez Art Museum Miami. All rights reserved.

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Miami Beach: The Best 100 Years Photo Contest Deadline 3/27/15

“Miami Beach: The Best 100 Years” Photo Contest

Submission Link

In celebration of Miami Beach’s 100th anniversary, the Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority (MBVCA) is inviting you to share your memories of Miami Beach over the past 100 years. Do you have photos of a building, park, street or other venue from years ago and then a photo of what it looks like today? Do you have an amazing photo of what Miami Beach looked like 60, 50, or 40 years ago? What’s a special place on the beach that never fails to fascinate you? Enter the MBVCA “The Best 100 Years” Facebook Photo Contest page and tell us why it signifies what you love about Miami Beach via an ORIGINAL PHOTO you’ve taken in the city!

First place is a GoPro Hero4, valued at $499.99.
Second place is a mini iPad Air, valued at $399.
Third place is a Visa gift card for $200.

The contest begins on February 11th, 2015 and ends at 11:59pm on March 27th, 2015. Upload the photo to the MBVCA Facebook Contest page and email a hi-res version of the photo to photocontestmiamibeach@miamibeachvca.com. All photo must be original and taken in Miami Beach with captions relevant to the destination. The top ten photos with the most “Likes” will be semifinalists. Open to anyone 18-years-old or older as of February 11th, 2015. Only ten (10) entries may be submitted per email address/per person.

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Call for artist – ArtExpo New York March 9 due date April 20

Call for artist – ArtExpo New York
Monday, 03/09/2015 – 04/20/2015 12:00 pm – 12:00 pm
2000x2000Call for artist – ArtExpo New York
711 12th Ave,
New York, New York 10019-5399
Webpage Link

BlinkGroup Gallery is looking for innovative visual artist to participate in our spring exhibition at Art Expo, Pier 94 – NYC “The Worlds Largest Fine Art Show” We are receiving Submissions from all artistic disciplines for this exhibition.

Submissions are due Mach 9, 2015

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Knight Arts Challenge South Florida 1/26/15 – 2/23/15

Knight Arts Challenge South Florida

14703-KF-KACM-Soul of Art_300x250Beginning Jan. 26, South Floridians can apply for the Knight Arts Challenge, which funds the best ideas for bringing the community together through the arts. The deadline for the challenge, a project of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, is Feb. 23. KnightArts.org

Knight Foundation will host a kickoff party at Gramps in Wynwood on Jan. 27, where applicants can meet other artists, past winners and Knight Foundation staff. In addition, as a way to recruit ideas from South Florida’s many neighborhoods, Knight Foundation will host a series of Community Q&A sessions. The events, taking place Feb. 2-5, will offer tips on creating a standout application, information on the challenge timeline and more. The schedule is below.

“Whether you are an arts organization or a small collective, a longtime South Florida artist or someone who moved to town recently, we want to hear from you,” said Dennis Scholl, vice president of arts for Knight Foundation. “Our goal is to make art general in South Florida. We do that through the challenge, and finding the best grassroots ideas for bringing our community together through the arts.”
Anyone can apply. All it takes is 150 words to fill out the initial application, which will be available at knightarts.org and is deliberately designed to be simple to encourage nontraditional applicants.

There are only three rules for the challenge:
1) The idea must be about the arts.
2) The project must take place in or benefit South Florida
3) The grant recipients must find funds to match Knight’s commitment.

Knight has received more than 8,900 ideas from the South Florida community since launching the challenge in 2008. In total, 241 projects have received almost $25 million in funding.

Since 2006, Knight Foundation has invested more than $86 million in South Florida’s cultural community. Those funds have launched a new media program that includes the signature “Wallcasts” at the acclaimed New World Symphony campus, helped present Ibero-American films at the Miami International Film Festival, and are bringing every Miami-Dade third-grader to the new Pérez Art Museum Miami, among other projects.  The approach is two-pronged: Knight Foundation aims to open up institutions to more South Floridians with large grants, while the Arts Challenge ensures that smaller, grassroots efforts fuel and refresh the arts scene.

The Knight Arts Challenge kickoff party takes place Tuesday, Jan. 27 at Gramps More Info
Click Here for the Community Q&As schedule

For updates, follow #knightarts on Twitter, @knightfdn on Instagram and Knight Foundation on Facebook.


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News: Documentary Film “Right To Wynwood” Released




MIAMI, FL – Nov. 3rd, 2014 – As part of the director’s collective effort to continue shedding light on the history behind Miami’s up-and-coming arts district, short film Right to Wynwood will now be available for online streaming to the general public. Winner for ‘Best Documentary’ at the 2013 Miami Short Film Festival, Right to Wynwood explores the causes and effects of gentrification, documenting how a Puerto Rican neighborhood became purposely unaffordable for its low-income residents and morphed into profitable opportunities of redevelopment for the money hungry.

After a series of interviews with developers, gallerists, artists, Puerto Rican residents and community leaders, producer Camila Álvarez and photographer Natalie Edgar carefully observed and documented the rapidly changing patterns of the community in Wynwood and saw the need to tell the story behind the so-called new Arts District in Miami, FL.

Although both Álvarez and Edgar are keen advocates of the opportunities that Wynwood brings to artists, they feel that creating awareness of how gentrification in Wynwood was developer–led instead of it being artist-led, as it happened in places like Soho in New York, or in Berlin, was necessary.

Even though street art started appearing in the neighborhood organically, when local art collective Primary Flight saw the opportunity to make Wynwood their playground, it soon became a marketing tool, when their efforts were co-opted by developers who realized that “including culture and arts in change was the best way to get the most bang for your buck,” as stated by David Lombardi, one of the first developers to start buying properties in the area, said Camila Álvarez, producer and co-director of the film.

The 21-minute documentary can be streamed online at: www.righttowynwood.com

For more information or press inquiries on Right to Wynwood: righttowynwood@gmail.com

The Library is Important to All of Us – An Open Letter from John Quick

This is an open letter to the community by John Quick, President of Friends of the Miami-Dade Libraries

Most of us were introduced to libraries as children by our teachers or parents a source for wonderful stories and information for school projects.

Over the years, public libraries were converted into community centers with meeting rooms, organized story time, academic tutoring and computer stations with free Internet connectivity, and computer literacy training for seniors. They also became a source for early literacy support for parents with small children, digital-media learning centers; free electronic books, audio books for the visually impaired and the disabled, door to door service for the infirmed, reading instruction for illiterate adults, and so much more.

But over the past few years, our libraries have been stripped of almost every public service. Operating hours have been cut and they are no longer open 7 days a week.
As a father of two young children, ages 4 and 2, I expected libraries to always be available for my kids and for future generations. I never realized we would have to fight to keep them open and available for future generations.

Libraries are not a relic of the past. They are critical to a vibrant, successful community with an educated workforce.

Please tell your Miami-Dade County Commissioner that libraries are central to the future of Miami-Dade County and let him or her know before the critical Thursday, September 18 County Commission meeting that will decide the future of our libraries.

Visit www.savemdpls.org to find out how you can make a difference.

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Highlight: Panorama Steel band Competition To Showcase The Rich Musical Heritage Of Trinidad and Tobago

Panorama Steel band Competition To Showcase The Rich Musical Heritage Of Trinidad and Tobago

Silver Stars USA Steel Orchestra Looks To Keep Coveted Title of Miami Broward Carnival Steel Band of The Year

panorama201310The scintillating and pulsating music of the steel pan has always played a significant role in the Miami Broward Carnival narrative. This year the Miami Broward One Carnival Host Committee Inc.(MBOCHC) will present their Panorama Steel Band competition on Friday, October 10, 2014 at Central Broward Regional Park from 6pm to 11pm. Silver Stars USA Steel Orchestra is the reigning 2013 Band of the Year. This year, the list of bands competing for the title of Miami Broward Carnival Steel Band Of The Year includes: Silvers Stars USA Steel Orchestra, Pantastics Steel Band, Lauderhill Steel, Resurrection Sound, Karibbean Knights Steel Orchestra and Steel Away Steel Drum Ensemble. Panorama is a favorite of many pan-lovers who will enjoy the melodic, rhythmic and soothing sounds of a music art form that is the heartbeat of the Carnival culture. The National Instrument of Trinidad & Tobago is the Steel Drum and is the only new instrument invented in the 20th Century, Although a part of Carnival for many years, the first Panorama was not held in T&T until 1963. In Miami the steel bands were always a part of Carnival and bands travelled from Orlando and even from New York, to participate in Carnival. The MBOCHC is committed to preserving this rich Caribbean tradition within the blueprint of #MiamiBrowardCarnival.

panorama20135“Pan is to carnival like water is to fish; it’s a survival thing. As they say, it’s the last created musical instrument that brings pride and joy to a nation. Its like reggae to Jamaica, classical music to Europeans; it is deeply rooted in our culture and the world is better for it.” Sydney Roberts, Vice Chair for Miami Broward Carnival.

“The main focus of Silver Stars USA Steel Orchestra is to introduce the art of playing the steel drums to the youth of South Florida and to broaden the exposure of steel drums in the United States of America. We have been able to expose our repertoire at many functions, such as Mrs. Michelle Obama’s grass roots rally in Ft Lauderdale and we are proud of our Miami Broward Carnival Steel Band Of The Year for the past two years.” stated Errol Christian.

panorama20139Special thanks to the Miami Broward Carnival sponsors:

Corporate – Coca Cola, Clear Channel Media & Entertainment, 103.5 The Beat, Mega 94.9, Greater Miami Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, Yellow Cab, Discovery Tours, LLC, The Check Cashing Store

Media – Caribbean American-Passport News Magazine, South Florida Caribbean News, Global 99.5FM, EventsRUsonline.com, Caribbean Connect, Weekends with the Breakfast Club, VibesUnite, SmallIslandMassive.com, Caribbean National Weekly, Red Eye

Public Sector – Broward County Florida, Miami-Dade County Fair Expo Center

The Miami Broward Carnival is made possible with the support of Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.

For more information about Miami Broward Carnival please visit www.miamibrowardcarnival.com or call 305-653-1877.

Follow on Social Media
Twitter – @MiaBroCarnival
Instagram – @MiaBroCarnival

Miami Broward Carnival Signature Events for 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014 – J’Ouvert Launch – The Warehouse 3500 NW 15th Street, Lauderhill, FL 33311. Time:10pm-5:30a.m. Admission: $20
Sunday, October 5, 2014 – Jr. Carnival Parade of Bands – Central Broward Regional Park & Stadium – 3700 NW 11th Street, Lauderhill, FL 33311. 1pm-8pm (Parade starts at 2pm) Admission: $10 and $1.50 Park Fee
Friday, October 10, 2014 – Panorama Competition/Kings, Queens, Individuals – Central Broward Regional Park & Stadium – 3700 NW 11th Street, Lauderhill, FL, 33311. Time: 6pm-11pm. Admission: $10. $1.50 Park Fee
Saturday, October 11, 2014 – Official J’Ouvert – Central Broward Regional Park & Stadium – 3700 NW 11th Street, Lauderhill, FL 33311- Time:7am-2pm. Admission: Advance Tickets $15.00
Sunday, October 12, 2014 – Miami Broward Parade of Bands and Concert – 30 Years of Miami Carnival Celebration – Miami-Dade County Fairgrounds – 10901 Coral Way, Miami, FL 33165. Time: 11am-11pm. Admission: Advance Tickets $25 online at miamibrowardcarnival.com; $27 at The Check Cashing Stores and select Caribbean-American retail outlets.


This post is sponsored, please support the sponsors that make Soul Of Miami possible.

News: Kevin O’Leary of “Shark Tank” to Keynote TigerDirect Innovation: IT Conference and Expo on 11/7/14


Kevin O’Leary of “Shark Tank” to Keynote TigerDirect Innovation: IT Conference and Expo

11 Breakout Sessions Hosted by Top Industry Leaders at Premier B2B Sector Event

TigerDirect, a subsidiary of Systemax Inc. (NYSE:SYX), today announced that Kevin O’Leary – aka Mr. Wonderful from ABC’s hit TV show “Shark Tank” – will keynote the company’s TigerDirect Innovation: IT Conference and Expo presented by Lenovo, an exclusive business-to-business (B2B) sector symposium to be held during the Third Annual TigerDirect Tech Bash on November 7, 2014 at the new Marlins Park in Miami.

The entrepreneur, author and TV fixture that has been known to serve heaping doses of tough love with his sage advice will kick off the inaugural event, addressing small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) about how technology is key to leveling the playing field with big companies.

“I am proud to be a part of TigerDirect’s first-ever business innovation event and hope that my keynote, along with the lineup of exciting sessions, inspires attendees to rethink their approach to technology,” said O’Leary. “The cloud, digital payment ecosystems and other tech trends are turning small and medium businesses on their heads, and this event will help them keep pace with technological advances and provide the edge they need to stay ahead of the curve.”

“As a company that is successfully serving the IT needs of the SMB and public sector markets for more than 25 years now, it is our responsibility to stay ahead of tech trends, encourage our customers embrace next-generation solutions and services in order to grow, and bring together industry power players – such as Kevin O’Leary – to show them how it’s done,” said Steven Leeds, Director of Corporate Marketing at TigerDirect.

O’Leary will be joined by a range of top companies and subject matter experts that will lead a series of breakout sessions at the TigerDirect Innovation: IT Conference and Expo regarding the latest technology trends and solutions for the B2B space. In addition to the three pre-announced breakout sessions by title sponsor, Lenovo, the event will include eight additional sessions, covering such topics as:

“Cloud Computing- How it’s transforming IT and what this means for your business?” Find out how you can leverage the cloud to centralize your data and increase your business’s efficiency.
“IT and Education – What does the 21st Century Classroom really look like?” The 21st Century classroom will deliver powerful learning outcomes using a dynamic and technologically driven environment. See what makes it all possible and why it is so exciting.
“Data is everywhere – find out how to secure your data.” Data is stored across many places – both private and public. Learn how to secure that data from an increasing amount of IT threats against your business.
“How the new IT is transforming healthcare.” Technological and digital innovations are transforming the healthcare sector as we know it. Learn about those driving forces and more.
“Migrate from Windows XP and Sever 2000 to the next great platform.” It’s time to upgrade! Find out why upgrading is vital, and how it will benefit your business.
“Bring Your Own Device To Work? Discover how best practices for small and large businesses.” Learn how employees bringing in their own devices to work will transform the workplace and why businesses of varying sizes should implement this practice.
“The Data Center – What is the right Server, Storage, and Networking strategy for your business?” Data centers are complex and crucial infrastructure for today’s modern businesses. Learn how to create an effective data center that will keep up with your business’ demands.
“Borderless and wireless networking – Fast and secure.” Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile computing devices continue to grow in popularity among businesses for their powerful on-the-go capabilities. Understand how to integrate and manage these devices to become a more agile business.

For more on the event, please visit: www.tigertechbash.com/innovation/.

About TigerDirect:
For more than 25 years, TigerDirect.com has served the technology needs of both personal and business users, selling consumer electronics, computers, digital media technology and peripherals via business-to-business, Internet and catalog channels. Beyond its vast product offerings, TigerDirect has become a trusted partner to hundreds of thousands of SMB and public sector organizations by providing a suite of IT solutions and services. TigerDirect.com is a subsidiary of Systemax Inc.

About Systemax Inc.:
Systemax Inc. (www.systemax.com), a Fortune 1000 company, sells industrial and computer products through a system of branded e-Commerce websites, relationship marketers and retail stores in North America and Europe. The primary brands are Global Industrial, MISCO, Inmac Wstore and TigerDirect.

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Public Art Wednesday: Cultural Souls Art Fair



The Cultural Souls Art Fair will begin August 22 through August 31, daily from 6:00pm – 10:00pm. The Cultural Souls Art Fair will consist of gallery owners, artists, and art enthusiasts looking to mix, mingle and shop for international masterpieces. Check out artwork displayed at this event from three phenomenal Dominican visual artists Alberto Ulloa, Guillo Pérez and Candido Bido. This art fair will also showcase the Enrique Guzmán Gallery, which features work by Dominican artists Mariano Sánchez, Amin Abel Pérez, Alonso Cuevas, Melchor Terrero, Orlando Menicucci, and Elvis Avilés.

On Friday, August 22, the VIP opening reception will kick off at 6:00pm where attendees can look at the art being presented while sipping on cocktails. Admission to the opening night is free if you pre-register and at door tickets are $25. Doors will re-open Satuday the 23  to the public at 11:00am. Prices for the Cultural Souls Art Fair will be $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors.

To purchase your tickets and for more information on this event follow this link. 

Do you know of any art fairs or festivals coming up in Miami? Let us know on Twitter at @Loop305 with the hash tag #PublicArtWednesday



-Samantha Wagner

Talk About it Tuesday: Protest Leads to Eight Arrests

Activists Protest Recent Police Violence Against Minority Youth Across US

This past Thursday eight protestors were arrested in Miami during a demonstration against the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and against the death of local teenager Israel Hernandez in 2013. Both killed were only 18 years of age and both were unarmed. Phil Agnew, who organized the protest stated that the death of both of these young men shows, “proof that racist police departments around the country will continue to use black and brown bodies for target practice.”

The protestors organized by Phil Agnew call themselves the Dream Defenders. Last Thursday they protested in the lobby of Miami’s federal justice building. They raised their arms in silence hoping to get a meeting with U.S. Attorney Wifredo Ferrer, who works with the Southern District of Florida.

Eight protesters refused to leave the building when Police asked them to exit, as the building was about to close for the day. Those eight were arrested and put in plastic handcuffs. Marcia Olivo, one of those arrested, stated, “We’re the voice of the mothers in our community who live in constant fear of not seeing their children come back.” Another protestor arrested, Curtis Hierro stated, “We need more and more folks to take this type of action and make it very clear that we need action on the part of our elected leadership and the folks in the Department of Justice.”

As Miami residents how do you feel about the eight protestors being arrested? What do you think needs to be done to prevent more deaths like this from happening? Tweet us at @Loop305 with the hash tag #TalkAboutitTuesday


-Samantha Wagner

News: Miami Downtown Arts District Association

Miami Downtown Arts District Association

Lee Ann Lester, Director of Next Level Fairs and Sean McCormick, McCormick Place Miami announce the formation of the Miami Downtown Arts District (MDAD.) McCormick will serve as Chairman of the Board & Lester as Vice President.

MDAD is a non-profit organization that serves cultural institutions and museums; galleries, local artists and studios; as well as businesses, event venues, and restaurants that showcase both local and international artists. MDAD aims to unify the Downtown & Brickell Arts District by providing a variety of programs that allow the community to explore the arts district, such as First Friday Downtown Art Night, or provide exposure to smaller independent events through a variety of membership support services.

“MDAD will work in unison with community leaders and the DDA’s [Miami Downtown Development Authority] initiatives to develop Downtown Miami as the cultural and business epicenter of the Americas,” commented Lester. “Already over a billion dollars have been invested in arts and cultural institutions in the District drawing new culturally-minded, international visitors. Our goal is to provide artists, gallerists and the public with dynamic art venues, regular art programs and education to the greater Miami metro area.”

A growing number of organizations have already extended their support including Katy Stallfus from Artisan Lounge and James Echols of Life is Art, both MDAD Boardmembers, as well as MDC Museum of Art + Design at the Freedom Tower, Artisan Lounge, Dimensions Variable, Stephen Gamson Studios, SeaFair, McCormick Place Miami, CU-1 Gallery, AIA Miami, Florida Grand Opera, Life is Art and The Art Experiences.

The Association will hold a VIP Kick-Off event and Press Conference at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, September 19, 2014 at McCormick Place Downtown Miami, 111 SW 3rd St., Miami, FL 33130. The MDAD Association will announce its Board Members and guests will have an opportunity to know more about District events as part of DWNTWN Art Days, September 19-21, 2014 as well as future First Friday Downtown Art Night. The evening will include live performances, art installations, and more. A complimentary transportation service will be provided by FreeBee to participating arts venues.

For more information about Miami Downtown Arts District, visit the Facebook Page, or contact Sean McCormick at 305.206.4734 or sjm@mccormickplace-miami.com.

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News: Related Group hosts 3 groundbreakings and 1 property launch

City Officials Joined The Related Group to Celebrate a Day of Milestones:
The launch of Paraiso Bayviews by Karim Rashid, and the start of construction at Paraiso Bay and Brickell Heights

The Related Group celebrated three milestones last week with groundbreakings at Brickell Heights and Paraiso Bay followed by the launch of their latest project, Paraiso Bayviews with Karim Rashid. Hundreds of VIP brokers attended the day’s events across Miami, and those involved in preconstruction sales took home more than $9 million in commission checks.

Mayor Tomas Regalado and Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, who were present at the two groundbreakings, congratulated The Related Group’s team on the new projects, which they noted are creating a 24-hour urban core in the Brickell area, and reenergizing the Edgewater neighborhood.

At Brickell Heights, located next to the two-million-square-foot development Brickell CityCentre, David Rockwell has created a sleek glass-walled lobby, glamorous amenity spaces with a private-club vibe, and lavish pool terraces. The 690 luxury residences will sit atop a 30,000-square-foot Equinox Fitness Center and SoulCycle, a state-of-the-art workout studio that will open its first Miami location at Brickell Heights.

At the launch of Paraiso Bayviews, international interior and industrial designer Karim Rashid was on hand to greet the guests. For his second project with The Related Group, Rashid has evolved his trademark colors and bold shapes for a more subdued organic design with softer hues and natural woods inspired in the Paraiso community’s garden bay front setting. Residents of Bayviews, described as the best value within the Paraiso community, will enjoy all of Paraiso’s luxury amenities including a rooftop swimming pool, tennis courts, a beach club, marina, gardens by Enzo Enea, a signature restaurant by Michael Schwartz, and more.

The Paraiso Bay property, set between Biscayne Boulevard and the Bay at NE 31st Street, is East Edgewater’s only master planned community. Celebrities who have already reserved homes there include DJ and music producer David Guetta, basketball star Manu Ginobili, and Spanish tennis legend Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario.

Notable Guests: Karim Rashid, Designer of interiors for Paraiso Bayviews, Celebrity Chef Michael Schwartz, Mayor Thomas Regalado, Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, Carlos Rosso, President of the Condo Division at The Related Group, Sonia Figueroa, Senior Vice President The Related Group, Arden Karson, Senior Vice President The Related Group acquisitions

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Farewell Henry Stone and Thanks for All the Funk

A note from the Publisher:

For the past 10 years, most of my time in Miami, I have had both the honor and the pleasure of working for an amazing music man, Henry Stone, owner of, amongst many others, TK Records. When I joined the company, he was in his early 80’s, having gone blind a few years earlier. My job was to help them aggregate and digitize the historic releases from his labels from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and up into the 80s. We also created new releases, about a half dozen new albums, all while he was closing in on the century mark.

In my opinion, no one has had such a profound impact on the music scene in Miami. He also had a significant impact on the music across the country, both as a hit-making distributor, and a pioneering label owner. Over the course of 60+ years, his labels released many thousands of tracks recorded right here in the Magic City. His labels contributed more to the distribution of that Caribbean Miami sound than any other, especially in the early days, and had an influence on music world-wide. He was a key influencer in R&B, Funk, Soul, and, of course, Disco.

Despite his success, he never parlayed that into being a mega-rich oligarch. He never moved off to LA or New York. He stayed right here in Miami, bringing that sound to the world. He shared that wealth and gave so many people a chance that otherwise would not have had it.

I never knew him in his heyday, but I did know his music. I grew up on that music. However, knowing him for the last 10 years of his life was very rewarding. I got to hear his stories, stories of the history of the music, over and over, until I could recite many of them better than he. I learned about the music business, and most importantly its history, direct from the source. He lived through the height of the 45, through the dominance of the album, to the debut of the CD and on into the time of digital downloads. He really saw it all. Very few people had his perspective, and he was on top of it right up to the end.

He passed away August 7, 2014, quietly. He never lost his sharp mind or wit, which was amazing. He was a great man, and all Miamians, all music lovers, owe him gratitude for all of the fantastic musicians he produced out of our city. Music would not be what it is today without his influence. It was unfortunate he did not live to see the completion of his biographical movie, but it will be released in a few months, and we are very excited about honoring his work and his life.

I am very glad to have known him. He taught me more than just about the music business, he taught me about being a good human and businessperson. His skill at working with people was second to none. Many were the times I saw him take a negative situation and turn it positive. He was generous almost to a fault and many the times I joked that he was too nice to be in the music business, but, of course, I was wrong. He really did inject so much funk and soul into this world, and for that, I am eternally thankful.

Thank you to the Miami New Times, Miami Herald and another Miami Herald for these wonderful obituary articles honoring the life of this man who made his way up from being an orphan in the Bronx to being a pillar in the music business and the community.

Below is the official press release and coming soon is the Henry Stone documentary movie, Rock Your Baby.

– James Echols
Co-Founder and Publisher, Soul Of Miami

(PS: A small sidenote: the name of this site, Soul Of Miami, was inspired by my working at Henry Stone Music and feeling all Miami Soul music.)

Henry Stone was born June 3, 1921, in Bronx, New York to parents Leah Goldstein and Charles Epstein. He was raised in Washington Heights, NY. Henry passed away August 7, 2014. Henry was preceded in death by his parents, brother Allen and sister Rosamond.

Henry began playing the trumpet in his early teens while at an orphanage in Pleasanteville, NY. Henry joined the US Army in 1943, playing in a racially integrated band. Henry served in the US Army stationed at Fort Dix in New Brunswick, NJ and was discharged in 1947. He then moved to Los Angeles working on sales and promotion for early record labels.

In 1948, Henry settled in Miami, Florida, setting up his own distribution company, Seminole, and shortly afterwards the Crystal recording studio. In 1951 he recorded Ray Charles’ “St. Pete Florida Blues”, among others. In 1952 he started two record labels Rockin for blues and Glory for Gospel. In association with King Records, Stone released The Charms’ “Heart of Stone” on King’s De Luxe Records, and it became R&B chart #1 in 1954. He was instrumental in signing James Brown to King and in recording Brown’s first hit, “Please, Please, Please”.

In 1955, he established his own independent publishing companies and several record labels, including Chart and Dade, mainly recording local blues artists. In 1960, Stone cut “(Do The) Mashed Potatoes” by
“Nat Kendrick and the Swans”- actually James Brown’s backing band – for the Dade label. He also set up Tone Distribution, which became one of the most successful record distribution companies, working with Atlantic, Mowtown, Stax and many more independent labels. Stone’s distribution expertise was instrumental in spreading the music produced by those labels around the world.

While he focused on the distribution business, Stone also continued to record R&B artists. These included Betty Wright, whose “Clean UP Woman” was a major hit in 1971. Stone also set up the Glades Label, recording the million selling “Why Can’t We Live Together” by Timmy Thomas.

In 1972, Stone decided to concentrate on recording and manufacturing his own records, forming another new record company, TK Records with Steve Alaimo, based in Hialeah, Florida. In 1973, two of Stones warehouse employees, Harry Wayne “KC” Casey and Rick Finch, began collaborating on writing and performing songs. As KC and the Sunshine Band, they released a string of hits such as “Get Down Tonight, “That’s The Way I Like It” and “Shake Your Booty”, all on Stone’s TK label. At the same time, Casey and Finch wrote and produced the number one “Rock Your Baby” which was performed by George McCrae.

Stone’s companies produced numerous other hits during the 1970’s, including Beginning of the End’s “Funky Nassau”, Latimore’s “Let’s Straighten It Out”, Anita Wards “Ring My Bell”, Little Beaver’s “Party Down”, and Gwen McCrea’s “Rockin’ Chair”, Peter Brown’s “Do You Want to Get Funky With Me” and Bobby Calwell’s “What Won’t You Do For Love”.

Stone later became involved with Hot Productions in the reissue of classics on CD and recently continued reissuing R&B and dance tracks on his own label, The Legendary Henry Stone Presents… In 2004, Henry Stone was awarded the first ever Pioneer Award for the Dance Music Hall of Fame, which was presented in New York City where he received a standing ovation.

In 2006, Henry became involved with The Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and started a music production program, the first of its kind, to provide professional training to the blind and visually impaired young performers, composers and sound engineers. In 2007, the new Gloria Martin third floor wing opened which houses the Henry and Inez Stone Music and Sound Studio.

Henry is survived by his wife Inez Stone; his daughter Lynda Stone and husband Ned Berndt; daughter Sheri and husband Ken Watson; daughter Crystal and Bill McCall; daughter Kim Stone; and son David Stone; their grandchildren Lysa Stone, Beth Stone, Shon and Carolyn (Keelin and Ryan) Christi, Mac and Stephanie (on the way), Daniel and Jamie Osiason.

He is also survived by his son Joseph Stone and his children, Brenna, Skyler, Torrin and Darcee; and by his daughter Donna and husband Evan Wolfe and their son Jake, and Inez’s brother Harrison Keith Pinchot, MD who will always be greatfull for Henry’s generosity for putting him through medical school.

Our family would like to thank all those who provided love and support during these difficult times.

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Talk About it Tuesday: Petition against Walmart on Endangered Pine Rockland



A few weeks ago the news broke that the University of Miami sold endangered pine rockland forest to a Palm Beach Gardens-based developer.  The developers planned to build a Walmart.  Leslye Jacobs, former student of the University of Miami was outraged and decided to make a petition against this called MoveOn.org.

Developers have vowed to set 40 acres out of the 88 purchased aside for a preserve, but that isn’t enough for the people of Miami.  An online petition created by activist Chris Wolverton called, thepetitionsite.com has almost 35,000 signatures fighting against the new developemental plans.  Leslye’s petition has already attracted 8,000 signatures as well.  Lesyle plans to present the petition to the Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez along with Gov. Rick Scott.

As residents of Miami, how do you feel about the plans for the development of the land?  Do you think it should all be protected or are you okay with the new plans to develop? Let us know on twitter, Tweet us at @Loop305 with the #TalkAboutitTuesday


-Samantha Wagner

News: University of Miami Selects New Director for the Lowe Art Museum

University of Miami Selects New Director for the Lowe Art Museum

Jill Deupi HeadshotThe University of Miami has appointed Dr. Jill Deupi, who currently serves as director and chief curator of University Museums at Fairfield University, as the new director of the Lowe Art Museum.

“I am honored to have been selected to lead the Lowe Art Museum as it embarks on an exciting new chapter in its rich and storied history,” Deupi said. “The museum is perfectly poised to catapult itself to the next level, building upon its tremendous resources and past successes while embracing 21st century museum practice, contemporary art and culture, and new education modalities – above all, participatory learning.”

Deupi credits the Lowe’s solid foundation and Miami’s effervescent arts scene for her decision to join UM, beginning August 11. One of her goals for the museum is “to connect its remarkable collections to the contemporary art world and current cultural trends.” She hopes to accomplish this partly with enhanced public accessibility to the Lowe’s holdings via an online, user-friendly database.

“We selected Dr. Jill Deupi as the new director of the Lowe after an extensive search,” said UM College of Arts & Sciences Dean Leonidas Bachas. “Her distinguished museum experience and academic background in art and art history, as well as her enthusiasm to involve our students in experiential learning are a perfect combination for the Lowe to expand its reach as a didactic resource for the university and local community.”

In addition to her leadership roles at the University Museums at Fairfield University, Deupi has also served as an assistant professor of art history since 2008. Under Deupi’s leadership as founding director, the Bellarmine Museum of Art has welcomed thousands of visitors since it opened to the public in late 2010. Deupi has curated close to 20 temporary exhibitions at the Bellarmine and at Fairfield’s Thomas J. Walsh Art Gallery, which she has also directed since 2013.

Opened in 1952, the University of Miami’s Lowe Art Museum is Miami-Dade County’s oldest and only comprehensive visual arts institution, featuring the region’s most diverse collection of world art. The Lowe’s distinguished permanent collection spans 5,000 years of western and non-western art history, highlights of which can be seen in the museum’s nine galleries. Brian Dursum, director of the Lowe Art Museum since 1990, announced his retirement in September 2013.

Part of the UM College of Arts & Sciences, the Lowe also mounts distinguished temporary exhibitions throughout the year, accompanied by an array of complementary programming. With its mission to serve the University of Miami, greater South Florida communities and national and international visitors as a teaching and exhibiting resource, the Lowe Art Museum presents a unique art experience, with broad-based collections and one-of-a-kind works of art.

A fellow of the American Academy in Rome, Deupi wrote her doctoral dissertation on art and cultural politics in 18th century Naples. Her prior museum experience includes work at the Royal Academy of Arts, London; the Art Institute of Chicago, the Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, Indiana; the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; and the Wallace Collection, London. Although her area of scholarly expertise is 18th century European art, neoclassicism, and museology, Deupi possesses an impressive breadth of art historical knowledge: she has curated exhibitions devoted to 20th and 21st century photography; mid-century American painting; contemporary sculpture; ancient Chinese funerary sculpture; 20th century portraiture; and 20th century Venetian glass (among others).

Highlights from Deupi’s programming achievements include the establishment of a distinguished lecture series in the visual arts, funded by the Robert Lehman Foundation; the implementation of a successful Family Day program at the Bellarmine Museum; and the development of a broad range of programming in arts education and engagement, including a cultural tours abroad program. She also worked tirelessly to secure significant external support from a range of donors, corporate sponsors, and foundations.

Deupi received her B.A. from Mount Holyoke College and her J.D. from American University’s Washington College of Law, graduating summa cum laude. She holds both an M.A. and a Ph.D. in art history from the University of London’s Birkbeck College and the University of Virginia, respectively. She serves as a board member of the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries (AAMG) and co-chair of the New England Museums Association (NEMA)’s Academic Professional Affinity Group. She also sits on the steering committee of the Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County’s Executive Directors Network and is a member of the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), the Association of Art Museum Curators (AAMC), the College Art Association (CAA), and the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Deupi has juried a number of art competitions and exhibitions and has served as an external reviewer for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). She is the author of numerous exhibition publications, as well as the author of “The Antique Legacy from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment” (A Companion to Greek Art, Blackwell Publishing, 2012).

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Soul Of Miami Welcomes the Public Allies Miami Community Forum

publicalliescatalystamericorpSoul Of Miami proudly presents the Public Allies Miami Community Forum, in partnership with Public Allies Miami. Through this, the participants of Public Allies Miami will tell their stories, the stories of the organizations with which they work, the neighborhoods in which they work, and the stories of our community. You will get to see Miami through the eyes of its young, emerging leaders and philanthropists. It may be prose, photographs, poetry or something else entirely, but it is all part of the real soul of Miami!

Public Allies Miami is young adults who serve in nonprofit organizations to help make Miami thrive for all people. Each year, 20 young leaders devote ten months to an intensive leadership experience in diverse nonprofits. Here are their service stories. For more information about Public Allies Miami, visit catalystmiami.org.

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News: TiramesU Restaurant is closing on Lincoln Road


After 17 Years On Lincoln Road, Tiramesu Restaurant Moves Back To Its Origins
With Lincoln Road’s evolving landscape, the restaurant will soon re-open its doors South of Fifth

Miami, FL – April 22, 2014 – The ever-popular TiramesU, the landmark family-style restaurant on South Beach’s Lincoln Road, having just celebrated its 25th-year anniversary, will temporarily close its doors on Sunday, April 27th, 2014.

After 17 years on bustling Lincoln Road, co-owner Graziano Sbroggio decided to move the restaurant to its origins, where it all began 25 years ago.

TiramesU will reopen its doors at the new location at 101 Washington Avenue after the summer. “South of Fifth is a growing dining destination and I’m very excited to be in the same neighborhood of many successful and internationally renowned restaurants,” says Graziano Sbroggio.

The new restaurant will continue its tradition, combining simplicity, consistency of food, service and accessibility which has proved to be a winning formula with both locals and tourists over the past 25 years. “The new TiramesU will welcome its patrons with the same warm and friendly atmosphere, offering classic Italian cuisine with a modern twist,” adds Sbroggio.

27-year old Executive Chef Fabrizio Pintus is already working on a new menu, one that will not sacrifice the staples TiramesU is known and appreciated for, like the homemade pastas. He will take the summer to travel to different cities and expose himself to other cuisines and flavors. “I love exploring new recipes and the use of different ingredients with unexpected combinations. The idea is to experiment new dishes while remaining grounded in solid traditions. The new Tiramesu will offer inventive modern Italian flavors with simple yet refined plates that entice the palate and delight our patrons. I’d like for TiramesU to become your “homey” kitchen away from home,” says Chef Fabrizio.

Valeria Longoni, General Manager, will become a co-owner in the new restaurant. Her dedication is invaluable and she is proud and honored to continue as an integral part of TiramesU’s history in this challenging new project. “I firmly believe in the importance of working with a strong team of dedicated and professional people. Good food served with thoughtful care and consistent passion has been the key to our success,” adds Longoni.

The official last day of TiramesU on Lincoln Road will be Sunday, April 27th, 2014.

About TiramesU
TiramesU opened its doors to customers in 1988 on the corner of Ocean Drive and 5th Avenue. It experienced early success and in 1997 was relocated to 721 Lincoln Road. It is owned and managed by Graspa Group, headed by Graziano Sbroggio, which includes Spris, Segafredo, Salumeria 104, Spris Artisan Pizza Downtown and Spris Artisan Pizza Midtown. For more information, please visit www.tiramesu.com.

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SeaFair Miami Cruises


SeaFair Miami Cruises

seafairDaily excursions Tuesdays through Sundays
Open to the public at dock
100 Chopin Plaza
Bayfront Park South Dock
Downtown Miami, FL

Ticket prices vary: Make Reservations Online Tell them Soul Of Miami sent you!

Sunset and City Lights Cruises
It is no secret, Miami truly comes alive after dark, and our City Lights Cruise is the quintessential Miami experience.
Friday and Saturday nights, 9PM to 11PM
Gourmet buffet or ala carte menu available. Visit website for pricing and details.

Brunch and Bay Cruises
What better way to top off the perfect Miami weekend or holiday than with a sun soaked cruise, shopping and gourmet buffet brunch aboard a luxury megayacht?
Saturday and Sunday, Embark: 10:30 AM, Cruise: 11AM-2:30PM, Disembark: 3 PM, (2 Brunch seatings, 11-12:30 and 1-2:30)
Gourmet buffet brunch or ala carte menu available. Visit website for pricing and details.

Afternoon Bay Cruise
Sunday from 4 pm to 6 pm.
Cocktails will be served at three bars and a tapas menu is available on the Sky Deck. Visit website for pricing and details.

Seafair Miami Dockside
For the land lover, SeaFair Miami offers dockside hours at Chopin Plaza.
Tues – Fri: 5-7pm & 11pm-midnight | Sat: 3-7pm & 11pm-midnight | Sun: 3-6pm
SeaFair is docked at Bayfront Park’s South Dock at Chopin Plaza next to the InterContinental Hotel in downtown Miami. Ample public parking is available within walking distance as well as free people mover access.

Cruise the crystal waters of Biscayne Bay on the $40 million MegaYacht for Dinner, Brunch, Holiday Celebrations, or just a lovely tour of the city lights.

SeaFair Art Galleries and Shoppes: While cruising browse the unique offerings of 20 art galleries and luxury boutiques. Local and internationally renowned artists, receptions, art performances and more. All on the MegaYacht Grand Luxe SeaFair.

Celebrate Miami: What better way to enjoy the Miami sunset than with cocktails on the Sky Deck followed by a gourmet dinner after dark watching the City Lights in the VIP restaurant? Enjoy family celebrations for Saturday and Sunday brunch on Miami’s only MegaYacht.

SeaFair offers a Miami experience like no other combining the best of intracoastal cruising, unique boutiques, and sophisticated dining. It is a truly memorable once in a lifetime experience for visitors and the ultimate venue for special occasions.

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SeaFair is the world’s first mobile megayacht venue and one of the ten largest privately owned yachts in the United States. The $40 million custom-built yacht was designed by internationally acclaimed yacht designer Luiz De Basto. At 228 feet and 2,800 international tons, it is the largest ship built for commercial operation on the Intracoastal Waterway and requires a draft of only 6.5 feet allowing it to dock at small yacht facilities in central city locations such as Chopin Plaza.

The well-appointed luxury venue features an impressive formal marble entryway, 28 individual exhibit spaces, a coffee bar, the Luxe Lounge, an open-air champagne and tapas bar on the aft deck, Sapore’, a formal glass-walled restaurant/club on Deck 3, Bistro360, an informal open-air restaurant and Bar360, a sky deck cocktail reception area.

Cruise, shop and dine aboard the uber-luxe 228-foot megayacht, SeaFair, offering the ultimate excursions where sea and sky converge with the glamour of iconic Miami.

seafairbanner1Enjoy four passenger decks with open-air sky deck dining, an elegant glass-walled club lounge, champagne and caviar bar and three decks of unique shops and galleries offering luxury must-haves including art, fine jewelry, designer trunk shows and more. International cuisine, tapas, fine wines and Champagne combined with live music ranging from jazz to island rhythms tops off this truly unique Miami experience.

webcitygirls// Contest for a New #MiamiPinkGirl

webcitygirls// looking for #MiamiPinkGirl, are you her?

Contest Evite English-07Are you an enthusiastic young lady? Do you dream of interviewing stars on the red carpet? Do you have what it takes to entertain a social media community with a positive point of view? webcitygirls// is seeking a friendly high-spirited team player who can engage the audience with a spunky attitude that stands out. The Miami Pink Girl has to be a social butterfly with an energetic spirit and a lot to say! The winner will become part of webcitygirls// social media innovative team and will be trained as a social media reporter, will live fun experience of getting dressed by a super star fashion designer, make-up by celebrity stylist and dreams will come true for her as she embarks on her first time red carpet coverage at a major 2014 award show with Lynn Ponder, founder of webcitygirls//.

To find the perfect pink girl, webcitygirls// has launched a competition via Instagram to see who conveys the personality and philosophy of the webcitygirls//. Miami Contest will be open on April 7 – May 7, 2014.
1- Participants must create a 15 second Instagram video dressed in the webcitygirls// signature style: pink wig and chic black outfit. They must act as if interviewing a famous celebrity on the red carpet and have the confidence of a most influential social media reporter. The video post must be made using the participant’s own Instagram account using hashtag #MiamiPinkGirl and tag @webcitygirls.

2- Participants must email social@webcitygirls.com with the following: Instagram link to the video entry, a profile picture, a biography including education, experience, groups, community work, accolades/achievements, hobbies and social media preferences. We want to get to know the pink girl, her colorful personality, her style, and who she is! Participants must also follow @webcitygirls on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

3- On May 14, 2014, (3) finalists will be announced on webcitygirls.com. The finalists will be a part of a special edition #SocialSalon live stream on May 21, 2014 where webcitygirls// and (3) judges (a renowned fashion designer, a celebrity hairstylist, and an award winning entertainment journalist) will pronounce one grand prize winner! Click here for Rules.

4- The winner will get a surprise smart gadget to use on her new journey as a webcitygirls// #MiamiPinkGirl.

Be a part of this exciting opportunity and learn what it’s like to be in the media industry. Put on a pink wig, an attitude that sparkles, and if you have to, use a hairbrush for a mic! GO get CREATIVE wepa!
Webcitygirls// is looking for the ultimate pink girl, are you her?

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Win a Trip to Broadway with the Ultimate Broadway Fan Showdown

NewYork.com, an online resource for travel, entertainment, dining, real estate and job needs, has launched the Ultimate Broadway Fan Contest, which will award a passionate Broadway enthusiast and a guest with a memorable New York weekend getaway and VIP perks.

The winner and a guest will receive roundtrip airfare to the Big Apple, be chauffeured into town in style with ExecuCar, and put up for two nights in the heart of all of the Broadway action at the Crowne Plaza Times Square Hotel. They’ll also receive a quintessential NYC dinner at NYY Steak and best of all, they’ll get behind the scenes access to one of the biggest events on Broadway, with an exclusive invitation to the Tony Awards rehearsal.

How to enter:
1. Post a photo on Instagram or Twitter that proves that they are the ultimate Broadway fan
2. Complete this sentence in their caption “I’m Broadway’s biggest fan because…”
3. Include the hashtag #BringMeToBroadway
4. Submit the link to their photo and information by April 30 at 5pm EST to NewYork.com/ultimatefancontest

Criteria: Participants must use their camera to capture their passion for Broadway Theater any way they want. The entry could be a photo of themselves with their impressive Playbill collection or a snapshot with their favorite Broadway actor. They could dress up like their celebrity crush or mock up an award-worthy poster for their favorite performance – the sky is the limit!

How will the winner be determined? The editors of NewYork.com will review all submissions and narrow the list down to 30 finalists. Starting on Monday, May 5 at 9am EST and running until Friday, May 16 at 5pm EST they will ask the NewYork.com audience, to vote for the winner. The image with the most votes on Friday, May 16 at 5pm EST will win. The winner will be announced on Monday, May 19.

Participants must be 18 years or older and live in the continental United States. One entry per person. For more information, the official rules of entry can be found at this link: www.newyork.com/contest-rules

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News: Ultra Statement


Today, Miami Commissioner Marc Sarnoff and Mayor Tomás Regalado withdrew their Resolution to ban the Ultra Music Festival from Bayfront Park in Downtown Miami. Following that withdrawal, the City Commission has alternatively scheduled the issue for general discussion on April 24, 2014 at 10AM.

The overwhelming and unyielding support of the Greater Miami and Beaches Hotel Association, Downtown Miami businesses and residents, and of Ultra fans around the world has resulted in a short-term victory by event organizers in its recent bout to keep Ultra at Bayfront Park, in Downtown Miami.

Since its launch in 1999, Ultra Music Festival has attracted millions of visitors to the City of Miami. The annual event has brought considerable economic impact to the City of Miami and surrounding communities, which includes generating over $223 million in 2013 alone. Last year, the 6-day event created over 1,800 direct jobs.

Event organizers remain thankful for the infinite support of their patrons and partners in Miami and across the world. Ultra remains committed to working actively with the City of Miami, its Police, Fire and Risk Departments, and the Bayfront Park Management Trust to continually make the event safe, secure and successful.

Ultra will continue to put forth its positive message and request that its supporters remain committed to helping again on April 24th when Ultra will be discussed by the Miami City Commission.

About Ultra Worldwide
ULTRA WORLDWIDE is the global brand of the World’s Premier Electronic Music event ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL. An internationally renowned event that has taken place every March since its inception in 1999, Ultra Music Festival celebrated its 16th anniversary March 28-30, 2014 by bringing over 165,000 music enthusiasts to the sold out event in the City of Miami. Boasting the hottest names and the finest talent to be found anywhere on the planet, Ultra Worldwide is now the most international festival brand in the world by far, as it continues to transport the unrivaled experience from its Miami flagship event to an ever-growing number of destinations and fans all over the globe. Add in their pioneering live stream, ‘Ultra Live’ and Ultra Worldwide is able to bring the festival experience online to over 15 million unique viewers globally. Over the past 16 years, literally thousands of the world’s most iconic DJs, producers and live acts have mesmerized audiences with awe-inspiring sets at Ultra events in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Ibiza, Korea and of course Miami. Each and every new global edition has been founded on the same successful formula that has been perfected over 16 years in Miami, combining the most diverse electronic talent with the most technologically advanced, large scale festival productions in the world. In 2014, Ultra continues to push the boundaries, bringing its unparalleled combination of cutting edge production and the world’s best electronic acts back to its previous strongholds and to new frontiers across the globe. With brand new editions in South Africa and Japan this year already, 2014 will see Ultra in nine countries and five continents across the globe.

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Miami New Times Best of Miami(R) Nominations 4/10/14-4/30/14

Miami New Times Best of Miami(R) Nominations
BOM14-LogoApril 10 – April 30, 2014
Nominate Online
More Information

From April 10 to 30, Nominate Your Favorite Places and Things to Do in Miami

New Times’ 27th-annual Best of Miami® issue celebrates the best of absolutely everything the area has to offer. Best of Miami® is the most comprehensive guide to the top people, places, goods and services, dining, nightlife, and entertainment found only in this region. With hundreds of pages of information, more than 400 choices, and a readership in the millions, it is the most anticipated issue of the year. Best Of reaches millions of people in the most valued issue of the year.

Each year our Best Of issue has a signature theme. We are proud to announce that in 2014, it’s “Game On!” – a throwback to retro gaming and culture.

Nominate the best things to do, see, and eat in Miami by casting your vote. You can suggest your favorites from Thursday, April 10, to Wednesday, April 30. Readers will have the opportunity to vote in scores of categories. On Monday, May 5, voting will open again for its final round, where readers can pick from the selected nominees to be crowned Best of Miami® winners.

Best of Miami® will be published Thursday, June 19, with the full list of Readers’ Choice winners, along with editorial picks. It will be available on newsstands throughout the area and online at MiamiNewTimes.com as well as our Best Of mobile app.

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Lincoln, AIA Explore Similarities Between Luxury Auto Design and High-end Architecture

>Designers of luxury automobiles and architects of upscale buildings both need to create appealing, intimate and exclusive experiences for high-end clients in a functional environment

>Sophisticated, elegant design that is comfortable and efficient drives the creative process for both disciplines

>Each maximizes space while achieving a perfect balance of color and light complemented by rich materials to stimulate the senses

MIAMI, Feb. 27, 2014 – The goal of luxury automobile designers is to create a sense of occasion each time the highly discerning driver gets behind the wheel.

Architects of high-end buildings are challenged to achieve the same goal. Each discipline incorporates proportion, volume, sculpture, form, materials, graphics and space to provide unique luxury experiences that touch all the senses.

The similarities between these two worlds of design will be the subject of “Designing Luxury,” a panel discussion at the Miami Center for Architecture & Design.

“With any product or experience, the world of luxury design follows basic, yet vital, tenets,” said David Woodhouse, director of Lincoln design and a panelist. “Both luxury automobile designers and designers of high-end buildings need their creations to meet all the necessary functional requirements, but elevate the execution in a way that speaks to people’s aspirations, taps into their dreams and helps them stand apart from the crowd.”

Joining Woodhouse on the panel are two members of the American Institute of Architects: Rene Gonzalez, principal of Rene Gonzalez Architect, and Bernard Zyscovich, managing partner of Zyscovich Inc.

Moderating the dialogue is Javier F. Salman, senior project architect, Stantec, and also a member of AIA.

“I’m excited to learn about something I’m passionate about – automotive design – in a close and personal way and learn how it compares and contrasts to my particular brand of design,” said Salman, who owns a 1971 Lincoln Mark III.

This Lincoln Mark III – chocolate brown metallic exterior with bucket seats and brown interior – is one of a handful of cars owned by Salman, who repairs and restores vintage cars as a hobby.

The panel will explore designing luxury through best ways to interpret heritage and customer aspirations, then using these findings to create the luxury experience.

“Luxury automobile exterior design should be simple, inviting, approachable and most of all, elegant,” Woodhouse said. “Exterior design needs to be complemented by an interior that makes the driver feel comfortable and confident. Ultimately, the two work together to create an experience that is unique, personal and luxurious.

Integrating technology to create a warmer, more personal experience differentiates luxury automobile design. The Lincoln MKC small premium utility will debut Lincoln Experiences when it goes on sale later this year. Lincoln Experiences:

  • Anticipates needs and preferences – As you approach the vehicle it anticipates you, welcomes you and guides you with subtle and focused lighting where it is most needed.
  • Employs fluid, seamless motions and sounds – Unlocking and entering the vehicle is a fluid and effortless experience with refined motions and sounds, ambient lighting and crafted human interfaces.
  • Creates warm and inviting comfort – The cabin is a warm and inviting space with seating that embraces and forms around you, and appropriate ambient lighting to meet your needs and personal preferences.

“I am eager to listen to and participate in the exchange of ideas,” Woodhouse said. “I look forward to bringing back new perspectives I can employ in the automotive world.”


Images courtesy of The Lincoln Motor Company: