Soul Of Miami Advertising Sample Sale for a Limited Time Only!


Soul Of Miami is Having an Advertising Sample Sale!

Want to try out an ad on one of the most popular event sites in south Florida? Now is the time!

For a limited time, Soul Of Miami is offering discounts up to 70% off our regular ad rates. Why? Just to give you a chance to sample our advertising opportunities and see how they can work for you. All we ask is that if you are happy, you let your friends know, and maybe leave us a little positive feedback.

One Month Rates:
125×125: regular $100, now just $50. 50% off.
250×125: regular $175, now just $80. 54% off.
250×250: regular $300, now just $120. 60% off.

Extra Special Two Month Rates:
125×125: regular $200, now just $80. 60% off.
250×125: regular $350, now just $120. 65% off.
250×250: regular $600, now just $180. 70% off.

Traffic & Stats:
(Based on 6 month rolling average)
Pageviews: 77,448 per month
Unique Visitors: 40,106 per month
Regular Users: 14,656 per month (users who return more than 3 times per month)
Alexa Rank: Global 195,229; USA 31,910
Google Rank: 4/10
Compete Rank: 179,354
Email List: 1,300+

Limited Time Only!
All ads must be purchased and paid for in full by September 25, 2012.
But, your ad may run anytime within the next six months, through March, 2013.

We also have a variety of other advertising options. If you are interested, please use the form below to request more information or book your ad today!

[contact-form-7 id=”125093″ title=”Sponsor”]
