Opening Reception for Art of T-Shirt 7/1/11

From 7:00 Pm to 11:00 Pm
Art Center Cram -Sol Gallery at the CANDO Arts Co –op:
309 23rd St.
Miami Beach, Fl 33139
(one block west of Collins Ave.)
RSVP invite your Friends.

Complimentary Drink – Cocktails & Appetizers

The Art of T-Shirt, Charity and First Friday Art Walk on Miami Beach

Special Artist Guests
Augusto Esquivel, Sri Prabha, Luis Valle, Karla Kaprali, Alissa Christine, Lucinda Linderman, Sid Daniels, Julio Green, Annfaye Poole, Janet Mueller

Mingle with: Investors Groups and Hedge Funds. Project Developers. Funding & Capital Market companies. Foundations and Humanitarian Corporations. Bank and Trader’s officers and many more friends and Artist

Get more, Give more.. Talleres de Vida ™®cram
