12 Nights of Electronic Music and Art: Electric Cello, K-Bow, and Computers at Harold Golen Gallery 7/10/09

This Friday, July 10th, 8pm
Please, join us for another experimental electronic music night in Miami followed by the inaugural open-ended art soiree by the Miami Art Collective. Bring and share your art of any form and genre with us!
Looking forward to seeing you there,
12 Nights of Electronic Music and Art: Electric cello, K-bow, and computers
Featuring Margaret Schedel and Sarah O’Halloran
July 10, 2009 at 8PM
Harold Golen Gallery
2294 NW 2nd Ave, Wynwood Art District, Miami FL, 33127
This event will feature two up-and-coming musicians: Margaret Schedel from Stony Brook, NY and Sarah O’Halloran from Cork, Ireland. In a melange of intimate interactions between the electrically powered cello and computers, this event promises to expose a fantasy sonic world residing on the border of the analog and digital. Margaret will use K. McMillen K-bow controller.
Juraj Kojs, Ph.D.
Director of Music and Multimedia Programs
Web: www.kojs.net
