Sunday Stories: Earth Month – “Greta and the Giants” by Zoë Tucker 4/3/22

Sunday Stories: Earth Month – “Greta and the Giants” by Zoë Tucker
Sunday, 04/03/2022-, 10:30 am-11:30 am
Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami (MOCA)
770 NE 125th Street,
Miami, Florida, 33161
Cost: Free

Requiring social distancing? YES
Requiring masks? OPTIONAL
Providing hand sanitizer? NO

Join MOCA on the first Sunday of every month for MOCA Sunday Stories’ story time, followed by a DIY early childhood art project. Sponsored by the North Miami Community Redevelopment Agency, this early childhood art series engages toddlers and fosters reading, motor skill development, and socialization. MOCA Sunday Stories is a great way for children to bond with their parents or guardians as they create together.

To bring awareness to Earth Month, MOCA will be reading “Greta and the Giants” by Zoë Tucker. This inspiring picture book retells the story of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Greta Thunberg—the Swedish teenager who has led a global movement to raise awareness about the world’s climate crisis—using allegory to make this important topic accessible to young children. After the reading, participants will create works of art out of recycled materials.
