Lifestyle Firm Equilibrium Group Makes a Splash During Miami Art Week 12/7/17

Lifestyle Firm Equilibrium Group Makes a Splash During Miami Art Week
Thursday, 12/07/2017 – 08:30 pm –
The Plymouth Hotel
336 21st St,
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Cost: Free

South Florida-based corporate events + interior design firm Equilibrium Group made huge splash over Art Basel where they hosted their designed VIP lounge at the annual Haute Living dinner at PAMM (Perez Art Museum) in Downtown Miami.

It was celeb central in the branded Equilibrium Lounge with Ricky Martin, the magazine’s December cover boy holding court in the sumptuous space. Ricky loved the aesthetic sensibilities that Equilibrium ringleaders Marc Silverstone and Voytek Faber incorporated. Other notable guests at the diner included: Jetsmarter CEO Sergey Petrossov, PAMM director Franklin Sirmans, managing director of Hublot America Jean-Francois Sberro and many more.

Also during the week, Equilibrium installed branded spaces at the Alec Monopoly unveiling at the Fontainebleau and the Destination Bas3l Art + Sushi mixer at the Plymouth Hotel with the noted aviation company JetSmarter.
