FACING DaLi 1/16/16

Saturday, 01/16/2016 – 01/16/2016 07:00 pm – 10:00 pm
12438981_976232355776830_1395345408602607203_nMiguel Rodez Art Projects
4229 SW 75 Ave (2nd Flr),
Miami, Florida 33155
Cost: free

His life was as bizarre as his paintings: Melting clocks, tigers leaping out of nowhere, flaming giraffes, mills powered by butterflies, women with protruding drawers, and plenty of overt and subtle sexual references to go around. Paintings charged with religiosity that ranged from the blasphemous to the pious. A personal life that resembled a circus. A financial success wrapped inside of a financial disaster. Famous for being famous. Sexual exploits to make a herd of prudes squirm. An ego that hardly fit within the universe. Many described him as a skilled painter; others, unh-uh, not so much. What is undeniable though is that he was among the most creative artists of the XX Century.

Miguel Rodez has challenged himself and a select group of artists to create artwork in their own style, but incorporating an image of Salvador Dalí’s face within the work, along with some element of Dalí’s ideas. It is an art project that is intended an homage to both Dalí and his artwork. Several artists have taken up the challenge. Their work, which includes drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, fine art photography, and other media, will be shown at FACING DaLí in January 2016. You are invited to share in this experience.

Participating Artists:
Gary A. Añuez
Devin Caserta
Julio Cesar Delgado Pacheco
Monique Lassooij
Sergio Lastres
Daniel Padron
Aimee Perez
Ileana Prosper Holman
Miguel Rodez
Patricio E. Rodriguez Añuez
