Canvas: Paint Something Beautiful 9/11/15, 9/12/15

Canvas: Paint Something Beautiful
Friday, 09/11/2015 – 09/12/2015 06:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Artisan-Canvas-Show-Landscape-instagramThe Artisan Lounge
500 NE 1st Avenue,
Miami, Florida 33132
Cost: FREE

Our lives are like individual canvasses that show off our uniqueness and display our humanity. Each day we have the opportunity to create and express ourselves in a way for the world to see. It’s what makes us, us. This idea is what has inspired the next show in the Artisan Lounge. Join us Friday, September 11th for Canvas: paint something beautiful. Come and see spoken word artist Micah Bournes and contemporary singer/songwriter Stef Silva perform live in the Lounge. Also, come watch the art of others on display and join in on the interactive art experience this Friday during DWNTWN Art Days!

Also, join us for workshops on September 12th starting at 10am.
