Rennie Harris Puremovement Dance Company 11/13/12

Rennie Harris Puremovement Dance Company
Friday, 11/30/2012, 08:00 pm – 10:00 pm
RHPM_PalmCard_FINAL_Page_1The Colony Theatre
1040 Lincoln Road,
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Webpage Link

Internationally acclaimed dance company, Rennie Harris Puremovement (RHPM) celebrates its 20th anniversary with pure, contagious stage magic presented by Miami Dade College’s (MDC) MDC Live Arts. This troupe of self-taught street dancers turned professional performers is the international ambassador of hip-hop dance, delivering the true essence and spirit of hip-hop as a vital part of the fabric of American society and culture. Using music and story sources from around the globe, Harris revolutionizes contemporary dance by fusing unlikely influences into a powerful theatrical experience. The Village Voice describes their show as: “Hip hop dance to a higher power, in both the mathematical and the metaphysical senses.”
