Inner Journey Exhibition Opening 11/26/11

Inner Journey Exhibition Opening
Nov. 26 2011, 5 pm to 10 pm
Kelley Roy Gallery
Wynwood Art District
50 Ne 29th St.
Miami, FL 33137

From Nov. 26th 2011 to Jan. 28th 2012, Kelley Roy Gallery will showcase “Inner Journey”, a solo exhibition by renowned Miami artist, Heriberto Mora

These days, everyone talks about the economic crisis, and we all look for solutions, for signs of a way out.
But the true crisis is a human one; the economic crisis is just a product of it. And the solution is hidden within each one of us. Crises are nothing more than states of change, destined to evolve.

Timed to coincide with Art Basel 2011, “Inner Journey” is an invitation for introspection to achieve that evolution; an invitation to take the inner journey beyond our fences, hidden conventionalities, fears, beliefs and vanities.
Join us at the opening: Sat. Nov. 26th 2011 at 5pm
