Sketchy Party #2 8/12/11

Sketchy Party #2
Friday, August 12, 8 p.m.
Bakehouse Art Complex
561 NW 32nd Street
Miami, FL
Facebook Evite.

The first Sketchy Party packed a cafe with 400 people. This time we’ve got 3.2 acres to play around with at the Bakehouse Art Complex, a compound of 70 artist studios that used to house an industrial bakery in the 1920s. These days, the BAC is home to a small army of emerging and mid-career South Florida artists, each with a work studio to pursue the muses wherever they lead.

At Sketchy Party #2, artists aplenty will be on hand to sketch your portrait throughout the night. Entry to the party is FREE FREE FREE. We will be selling the portraits for $30 (cash only), with half of the proceeds going to the artists and the other half to keep Sketchy Miami going strong. Thirty clams ain’t nothing, but it’s not much to get your personal art collection started — with a portrait of yourself, no less!

In addition to the portraits, we will be peddling a Sketchy Package for $10, which will get you a boatload of wonderful:

– Joey’s life-affirming pizza (vegetarian available)
– Honest Tea to quench your thirst on a fine summer’s night
– a $2 discount and free glass of wine at O Cinema, which will be hosting a midnight screening after the party
– a collectible set of full-color Sketchy Miami postcards

The package will also include a raffle ticket. Prizes include original works and prints from several Bakehouse artists, free flash portraits, and other good stuff. That means for 10 bucks you might bring home a piece of art worth hundreds of dollars!

Buy the package in advance for $8 on PayPal: (if link doesn’t work, visit​m/2011/08/01/sketchy-miami​-party-bakehouse-art-compl​ex/)
