Isn’t It Iconic,.. don’t you think? 6/4/11

Isn’t It Iconic,.. don’t you think?
June 4, 2011, 7pm to 10pm
Gallery 101
3350 NE 33rd St, (Galt Ocean Shops)
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33308

Gallery 101 will host a tru ly “ICONIC” Event when we present artworks from artists with the theme of ICONIC people, places and things…..

Look back at your life …does any product, person or place stand out that we would all be able to relate to? …Childhood candies, famous people we have looked up to, places that we all look at that somehow symbolizes the world today…

We will be looking for artists to submit works based in three (3) categories: ICONIC PEOPLE, ICONIC PLACES AND ICONIC THINGS.

INTAKE: May 28th 12noon -4pm
$10 per piece entry fee (up to 4 pieces)

Great Prizes:
Over $1,000 in prizes

1st- Solo show at Gallery 101 ($750 value)
2nd-$150 Cash prize
3rd-$100 cash prize
2 Judges recognition prizes $50 each
