Spirit and Money: Prospering by Doing what You Love 1/25/14

Spirit and Money: Prospering by Doing what You Love
Saturday, 01/25/2014 – 02:30 pm – 05:00 pm
TCC_Logo2The Chill Concept
114 NE 20 Terrace,
Miami, Florida 33137
Webpage Link
Cost: 30

“Spirit and Money: Prospering by Doing what You Love”
This class helps the millions of spiritual seekers to heal the erroneous separation that so often exists in their minds between Spirit and money. Most importantly, Spirit & Money author Cary Bayer teaches how to use your God-given talents to attract revenue streams by doing the work that you love–your dharma (the work that you’re here to do). This can, in time, turn a tolerable livelihood into a passionate lovelihood. It also shows you how to make a larger cut of the millionaire pie available to you in our abundant universe; and gain 200 percent of Life’s spiritual and material riches. It also teaches you a prayer that you can use on a daily basis to help create unexpected income.
Finally, it helps empower those who are already doing what they love to market their services more effectively by learning the art of spiritual marketing, and come to see that selling itself, when it’s done from the heart, can be graceful and as innocent as child’s play.
