The Miami Writers Institute Presents: Writing YA: Spark, Structure and a little bit of Sparkle with Lauren Oliver 11/22/13

The Miami Writers Institute Presents: Writing YA: Spark, Structure and a little bit of Sparkle with Lauren Oliver
Friday, 11/22/2013 – 11/22/2013 9 a.m. to noon
WI-fall-20133Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus
300 NE Second Ave, Miami,
miami, Florida 33132
Webpage Link
Cost: $110

This one-day workshop will focus on writing for the young adult market. Speaking both from her perspective as an author and as co-founder of the literary development company, Paper Lantern Lit, Lauren Oliver will address the three key elements of storytelling:

1) The Spark: conceiving of ideas that are both marketable and meaningful.

2) The Structure: understanding plot and building solid narrative architecture.

3) The Sparkle: the importance of a great first sentence, and the way to achieve voice through specificity.

Registration is now open. For more information, please contact Nicole Swift at or call 305-237-3528.
