PAIRS Essentials 5/21/11

PAIRS Essentials
May 21st, 2011, 9am-7pm
Nova Alvin Sherman Library
3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314

PAIRS essential tool box for enhanced communication, empathy, problem solving, and emotional connection delivered over a one day intensive session: the Heart of Intimacy, Constructive Conflict, Emotional Literacy. Discover the essential skills that have helped tens of thousands create and sustain successful relationships that are an ongoing source of love, pleasure, and happiness. Classes meet in a private group setting, with brief lectures followed by strong emphasis on practical, easy to use, relationship building tools through interactive exercises with your partner. This class will take place at the Alvin Sherman Library at Nova Southeastern University from 9:00am to 7:00pm. For details email or call Rachel at (954)703-4533 ext. 80.
