Official Art Basel and Miami Launch of Christian Louboutin and Piper Heidsieck’s Champagne Glass Slipper 12/4/09

Friday, December 4th
Official Art Basel and Miami Launch
of Christian Louboutin and Piper
Heidsieck’s Champagne
Glass Slipper
Eric Milon and Michael Capponi host Le Rituel, a collaboration between Piper – Heidsieck Champagne & idolized shoemaker Christian Louboutin. Louboutin breathes new life into a legend born at the Russian ballet in the 1880s, when ballerinas were celebrated by adoring gentlemen spectators who toasted the dancers’ performance with Champagne filled slippers. Louboutin’s crystal stiletto flute reinvents the scandalous ritual for haute couture at a time when we all crave excitement and escapism the most. Red carpet promptly at 11pm with a complimentary champagne til Midnight by Piper-Heidsieck.
