An Evening of Spirituality with Ma Jaya 5/30/09

Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati is an American-born spiritual teacher. She is widely known for her compassionate work, serving those who are suffering, people living with AIDS, the homeless, the poor, and anyone in need. She is most passionate about the importance of service in spiritual life.

Ma teaches from profound inner realization. Her style is very direct and carried by a great love for her students that helps them to untie the knots of the heart and overcome the obstacles of the mind. Hers is a focused and fast path to the liberation of the Self. In her colorful, down-to-earth personality and her superb sense of humor, she is the perfect teacher for those who need spirituality to be practical as well as exalted.

On Saturday May 30, 2009, world renowned spiritual leader Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati. Kali Natha Yoga master, acclaimed artist and founder of Kashi Ashram, will be teaching at Unity on the Bay in Miami. Musical guest Snatam Kaur, a lifelong student of Sikh Master Yogi Bhajan, will open the evening. Well known for the purity and beauty of her voice, she will share with us her unforgettable devotional chanting.

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