{Hello everyone! A rare post from your blogger. We are glad everyone is enjoying all the events we post. We have a small favor to ask. Soul Of Miami is riding in the MS 150! We have to raise $300, all of which goes to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. We know that times are tough, but if you happen to have a few extra bucks that you can spare to support this great cause, we would really appreciate it, and so would all of the people who suffer from MS. If you can, please go to the donation page and put in a few bucks. Nothing is too small, $1, $5, $10, anything you can spare. UPDATE: I forgot to include the date! The due date for donation is April 25th. The ride takes place on May 2-3. I hope to provide you with many funny pictures and videos from the ride. Thank you so much for your time, and now back to the regularly scheduled fun!}
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Do you love Soul Of Miami? Maybe you could drop a little in the bucket to keep us going?
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