Photographs of Lampidis Cancer Foundation Annual Fundraiser at The District on 2/5/15

Lampidis Cancer Foundation Annual Fundraiser at The District on Thursday, February 5, 2015.

Dr. Theodore Lampidis at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine is a world leading authority on glucose metabolism and its effect on cancerous tumors. The National Cancer Institute has stated in their reviews of his research that “Dr. Lampidis’ work could eventually lead to cures in certain cancers.”  Unfortunately, due to federal funding cuts, his lab is at risk of closing, leaving his groundbreaking research with an uncertain future.

The food by Horacio Rivadero, Best Chef South Semi Finalist 2014 and the wine by YaYa Wines.

Lampidis Cancer Foundation mission is to bring the cancer treatment research of Dr. Theodore Lampidis through the clinical trial and testing phase so that this treatment protocol can begin to help those suffering from various types of cancer.

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