Coconut Grove Drum Circle 10/8/11

Coconut Grove Drum Circle
October 8, 8-11pm
Note: This Is The Second Saturday, Not The First
Streets of Mayfair Promenade

Please join us for the October circle. For this circle ONLY, we will be meeting on the SECOND Saturday of the month, Oct. 8. We will again be drumming and dancing in the open air at the Mayfair Promenade in the Grove, located at the corner of Grand Avenue and Mary Street. There are parking garages in the Mayfair complex and on the corner of Oak Street and Mary, and parking lots near the Mayfair as well as parking on the streets. We will make a joyful noise and rev up the energy of the Grove despite no Art Walk that night. Come…discover or rediscover the magic, joy, and healing power of the drum. Extra drums and other percussion instrument available along with ice water and seating.
